
These are taxpayer dollars at work and the best we can get is "Like opening an oven door"? Good lord people. If I'm gonna contribute to a million dollar laser for use in a prison, I want limbs coming off...Not just a warming glow like when mom was making cookies. If a prison warden can handle it, it's not turned up

I'm Trying to Save A Free Service That Costs Money to Maintain and was Developed for the Purpose of Generating Ad Revenue but Since No One Uses it Its Existence is a Burden on Its Developers

@Dadjoe: Props to you, sir, for going out and doing some research that the author should have done themselves.

@wjbean: nah, it was there (during the split screen) it was just boring because you could only see the top row and some sparks.

Am I the only one who thought the headline was a little misleading? When I read it I thought it was implying that for the same amount of content, Verizon phones somehow used more data than iPhone.

@albokay: No. Hopefully everyone here knows better than to feed the trolls.

Wow. Just reading through the comments, I'm really suprised at the amount of venom that some Android users have towards the average guy just using his phone. I had thought the community to be one with a little more tolerance due to the system's open nature.

@arkohDK: It's just about being on a team. People need hobbies, and groups and teams help them feel like their hobby is a constructive one. It's no different then Redsox fans\Yankee Fans. Ford\Chevy. KKK\Black Panthers. It just stems from a need to belong. You said it yourself, competition is a healthy thing. This

@pz: So that actually makes it reason # ...4?

@wkurach: In 1989 a Lamborghini did 0-60 in about 5 seconds and cost $150K. Now you can but a used mustang for $20K that will do that.

@ravrahn: but haven't we learned through all the tests of the iphone 4 (and specifically users who say that don't experience the issue) that just because you're not losing bars doesn't mean you're not losing signal? I'm not saying that your HTC has a problem, just that you may not know if it did.

Neat idea, but this is silly for a bunch of reasons.

@dustgarden: I see your point. But the plus side is, the #1 reason people don't use them is because they're embarrassed to buy them because there's such a social stigma attached. The more jokes about them, the less taboo they become, and more people use them. And that's a good thing.

@bill cant fart: It's easier to enter a code than to just search for a title? I'm in no way flaming here, I'm just curious. Is the Android Marketplace that hard to navigate?

@Arken: Relevant? Absolutely. Posting essentially the same story 7 days in a row (sometimes twice a day) is fishing for page views. But whatever works, I guess.

@aec007: Nitsch's 214 meters is awesome. But that's using a weighted sled. Very cool but a different sport. Record for the free-dive is only like 100 meters. about half the depth of this hole.

I would like RIM to spend their time and money fixing the software on the Storm 1 (which many people are locked into for two years) before they try and take more money from the unsuspecting public with a new version of a shoddy phone. Tried to get the new update last night. Phone just freezes. F you RIM! It's been