
There are people who on the net pay no taxes. They take more from the government then they pay in.

This cannot be reasonably be denied.

Everyone pays taxes sure.

But some people are net tax payers, and some are net tax takers. This cannot really be denied. There are clearly people who receive more money from the government then they pay in (people who are on welfare, people who work for the government etc.)

If You and I go meet bob. And I give bob $100

Lets not pretend that that is what this is about. It’s not that it’s an unneeded feature, it’s not that other apps may do it better...

It’s that sensitive cry babies are upset that they have to see a calorie count.

No I get it. Some fat people feel uncomfortable when they are reminded that they are fat.

But this is a feature I would actually love, since I actually walk or take the bus most places I go and I often find myself deciding to wait for a bus or walk 2-3 miles all the time.

But now I can’t have it because some fatties

Oh boy. Even mentioning calories now is “fat shaming” fantastic.

Literally no.

This person is JUST SAYING that transmen, in their opinion, are welcome to use the women’s room IF thats where they feel safe.

I fail to see how saying transmen should be permitted to use any restroom they please is transphobic.

Are you saying that if a transman needs a tampon, and doesn’t have any on hand,

No dummy. they’re saying that they welcome transmen into the WOMEN’S restroom IF that is where they feel safe.

The exception here isn’t that men are welcome into the men’s room, but rather a subset of men are welcome to the women’s room.

Abstract concept?

Really? I guess healthcare reform is just an “abstract concept” too huh? It’s not as though the law will actually impact anyone or anything.

They aren’t defending the legal right to bear arms, as an abstract concept, but rather so that people can actually have legal access to arms. Which is a very

Meanwhile in reality, America has better statistics regarding survival rates of cancer than other countries, many of those other countries have “universal healthcare” (socialist healthcare).

Being married and remaining married I do think is a sign of maturity.

No two people are perfectly compatible. No two people are going to agree on everything. Every marriage is going to have conflict.

Someone who has been married to the same person for 30 years, knows how to negotiate, to empathize, to arbitrate

Oh please, you know damn well that the people doing this sort of thing are not going to be people who are ‘aromantic’ they’re people who tried and failed at finding a partner(s).

Also finding a life long partner IS an accomplishment. It’s not easy to find and sustain a relationship and sustain it for life. If you don’t

It actually does though. Why were these people so incapable of finding love?


Valuing your time seems to be at odds with spending lots of money and time planning what is basically a pity party.

In a sense, yes it is. She has resigned the idea that she can find a good romantic relationship. She’s given up.

Yeah it’s generally advised to love yourself before you look for someone else to love and love you in return.

That said, it seems as though marrying yourself is not only stopping half way, but it also seems to be something that someone who is profoundly insecure in their self love might do.

In other words, it’s pathetic.

How fitting that the female equivalent of MGTOW demands gifts and attention.

It’s honestly pretty pathetic.

So you’re going to spend tons of money to throw yourself a party to celebrate that you can’t find anyone who will love you in a romantic sense?

And you don’t think that that is sad?
