
Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

This is impressive, I usually tense up anytime I finally get near third base.

In Aussie Rules Football, West Bron could’ve just clubbed Evans into a coma and left him on the pitch while they played around him. And if a West Bron player was able to hit Evans on the fly with a kicked ball from anywhere on the field, they would get 8 1/2 points and they’d all shout, “Whack-Bat!” and seven random

I stared at all of the refs’ crotches for a full minute before realizing I’d better read the article.

I had no idea Baskin Robbins made Se7en-themed ice cream cakes ...

Probably “Whatsinthebox.”

I believe the correct term is transitions.

Or do they think it will give the chickens autism?

Subjecting myself to the scorn I deserve: the Restoration Hardware at the Three Arts Club is actually really nice. I would never buy any furniture there because a chair costs like $6,000, but the food and surroundings are good.