
They outlawed (insert car name here ) because it had too much horsepower

“My chipped Camaro will do 200.”

If a nuke was used on South Korea then there would not be a response in kind. There would be a display of power that would put Shock and Awe to shame as all of our regional forces quickly converge and start a bombing campaign. China would get in the action so they are not next and that would be the majority of the

I want to say that there is never a reason to use nukes, even prophylactically to prevent other nuclear strikes, let alone as “retaliation”, until literally every other avenue has been exhausted (and even then, my inner pacifist wonders if maybe it’s not better to die cuz I’m dead anyway and not kill off the other

LeBlanc may be a has-been (I’d argue otherwise), but Evans is a never-was.

Chris Evans seems like a real piece of work. Matt LeBlanc may not be the most interesting person in the world, but he seems a lot more likeable than Evans.

The least interesting top gear presenter who has nothing to offer aside from wealth and a Ferrari collection was opposed to the addition of the most entertaining presenter who is actually good at driving and is much more famous? No way.

Saw headline, Woke?

“Woke” basically means “socially concious”, or “aware and conscientious”.


Neutral: In an era where people are still returning laptops and tablets to Best Buy because “it won’t get to AOL” or “it doesn’t have a CD slot” (both things I heard just this past week waiting in line to pick up a pre-ordered game), and refusing to accept the voluntary guidance and help of people half their age who