Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto

Greenpeace may have some faults. Sea Shepherd does not.

Actually, auto demolishing services and junkyards sponsor most car shows.

Read the report. Unfortunately there’s nothing there. Wish there was. Fret not, we’ll beat him in the general. Biden is polling really well. Peace.

Gonna watch the Stanely Cup tonight instead. More of a hockey guy.

True, but that was the original meaning. In the early days of NH they would round up any person or group that was said to be “against freedom” and jail them, then they would make them disappear. A lot easier to do before internet. MA did similar things with the Puritans with their “witch hunts” and burning people at

Literally the voice of a generation.

Only in college ball. Pro refs are super duper strict about that line.

Drake is so cool. Love that guy.

Live Free Or Die has lost all meaning. 

How did you miss that the data referenced was 2010 data and not “today”? Either way my point still stands. It’s more segregated today and that’s a result of huge wealth disparity caused by tech bros, billionaire VCs, and all the other money-spraying that comes along with it. That money hose targets certain communities

lol put even more thought into it pls

What the Flint Deniers seem to not understand is that you can’t shower with bottled water. A clean municipal water supply is necessary for basic hygiene. Infuriating. 

I applaud your ability to forgive, but do not share it. 

Antifa stands for “Anti Fascism” so I doubt he’s a troll.

Thanks Scott, that means a lot to me. As someone very familiar with my musings, don’t you find it a bit odd what hits and what doesn’t? There was a rhyme to it back in the day that has pretty much disappeared. This one that you are replying to was good, but ignored. What works now is very basic, essentially stupid

Ya gotta laugh.

San Francisco is more racially segregated today than it was in the 1970s.

That Blodgett article is a native ad. They were one of the first sites to use the tactic. Blodgett sold BI for $300 million or something.

Manmade Global Warming is Climate Change. I am puzzled. 

Given its history, the fact that Volkswagen still exists let alone has retained its original name is unnerving. Add in the emissions scandal and it’s unclear why the authorities have not taken severe action against the company.