
I gotta get in on this Texas lol:

Texas Edition:

This “hearing protection” angle is fucking ridiculous. If you’re hunting and miss, a deer is going to be spooked regardless of whether you have a silencer or not. If it’s for home protection, you don’t need a silencer because you’re shooting a criminal that broke into your house, who cares if you’re loud. If you’re at

Around the slackss house, we call that indie voice “waif yodeling” and if we were younger we’d probably invent a drinking game around the gajillion commercials that feature those thoughtful gals lamenting.

I disagree, it is exactly the point. I believe in education and I think universities play a vital role in our society by seeking out and sharing new knowledge. The people setting salaries, however, are subject to the same rising costs and cheap labor pools that private employers have enjoyed over the last 10 years.

Kim to the producers:

After someone is raped especially by someone they know—a co-worker, you start questioning your actions, yourself, what you said, didn’t say, what you wore, what time it was......everything. You start thinking about your job, what they will think. What your family will think. What people in general will think. If

Yeah. I mean, everyone reacts differently to trauma, but I do think for many, many people there is an overwhelming urge and desire, especially immediately afterward when you´re most in shock, to just want it all to be over and to stop and that if you can just get your life back to normal, or pretend that it is, that

When the Japanese Americans sought “reparations” for their internment, they did so b/c they understood that a monetary payout from the government is the strongest marker of accountability in the American system. The “reparations” were laughable in the amount given. When my black friends talk about them as an

I vividly remember being chastised for speaking out against sexual harrassment in a completely different context by an older woman. Something along the lines of “Oh, when I was a young woman in the workplace, that was considered perfectly normal; I think people are over-reacting nowadays!”

You clearly didn’t have a slew of Midwestern aunties defending Trump’s pussy remarks as “Don’t be so naive! That’s just how all men really are!” on Facebook last year. Which is to say: many of these women really do believe that all men are like this, and — to be fair! — many of the men in their

Fox has called the lawsuit “bogus” and

Yeah but much like all those “pretend to be a woman on twitter Because it’s not that bad” “think” pieces, this falls apart once you actually do it. When they start digging up your personal dirt and leaking about you to tabloids and you stop getting invited anywhere and no one will return your call - that’s probably

Well let me see why would Trump want to hire this 28 year old to be the WH Communications DIRECTOR. My mind reels with the reasons for this?!?!

Sir Hiss!

Actual footage of Bobby at Jez today.

What in the ever loving mind of stupid dumbass white people was going on here? They knew exactly what they were doing but they were relying on the graciousness of the Howard University student body for their little lark. And to their credit, HU didn’t take the bait. (But I don’t think this is the first time students

I think it comes from that Protestant ethic where good works/acts don’t matter; all that counts is belief and faith.

Some of the most regressive, sexist men I have met have been otherwise liberal academics. There’s a significant amount of cognitive dissonance between how they tend to talk about women’s issues in the workplace and how they treat their peers.