
See, my “emergency kit” did have the bottle of bubbly, but it also had the remains of an 8-ball. Some days there was only the wine for emergencies;some days, there was nothing.

Guide to Romantic Living

I’m reading this as I scarf down jalapeño-flavored potato chips. I'm wearing sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and socks that used to be white four years ago. I'm not living romantically, am I?

Nothing is impossible if you want it enough.

OMG! I cannot believe how innocently delusional we were all back then. Jessica McClintock and Gunne Sax! Living in San Francisco, I could get the samples and irregulars at the warehouse for dirt cheap. There were actually sewing factories in San Francisco’s south of Market back then. I never paid full price for

Good sweet god, it’s like a singularity of tulle and chintz and Laura Ashley wallpaper and swans and straw rugbeaters as decor and great, choking clouds of L’Aire du Temps. In other words, ROMANTIC GLAMOUR. Just reading this, I feel like I’m being buried alive in mound of rose potpourri, wrapped in this:

As a man let me tell all those #NotAllMen bullshitters in the comments to shut the hell up. There are too many instances of this to not address this and the fact that there are times that the sentiment “she ruined my life” happens and it doesn’t lead to murder doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be driven into the dirt. If

This probably won’t be seen since I’m late and gray, but I think this was my tip; thank you, Stassa, for giving this tragedy a larger platform. This happened just five miles from my apartment. So heartbreaking.

Here is a picture of my cat in a box. Perhaps it will help us to feel better and more able to cope with this bollocks.

This is horrific but when I was in grade school, the mother of one of my classmates was murdered by the school janitor because she had rejected his advances. She was a married mother who worked at a school, and he got so upset about him declining him that he killed her. I will never forget seeing a picture on the

Are you seriously saying she caused this by not shutting him down in the “right” way? If you’re saying that, that is really fucked up. Because she did everything right and it still wasn’t enough.

I’m busy in life right now and not only am I actively not dating, I’m actively not making eye contact with strangers. I like men, I’ve dated some good men, but right now I don’t have the time, and I like being not murdered.

My situation was nothing like Nosal’s, but as someone who didn’t report assault at work and has to continue to deal with the fact that I have to work with the man who groped me for a long time in front of his wife, I am glad for her courage to report in general. It didn’t save her and that’s totally fucked.

Here’s a woman being harassed at work, and she does what she is told to do, report the problem. The workplace actually does the right thing and acts on the complaint, in this case firing the harasser. So far, great story.

During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”

Will this never cease to be the truth??

Now playing

This is horrifying. Makes me think of the Louis C.K. skit.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”