
Jeff definitely needs more representation around here. I can only do so much.

Agreed. And like I’ve said, zero tolerance is super biased towards punishing the poor. I promise you a school with this strict of a dress code does not educate the nice, white, middle class of NJ.

Baby’s got trac (-tion alopecia).

Meh. I love long hair on both mens and womens (especially on men tho). The worst part about long hair is that it gets all up in your business! How can you blame someone for wanted to put it up and outta the way? Manbuns are chill.

Sy Sperling won’t get none ($$$) unless you wear a bun, hun.

“We are many” is absolutely a quote from the Bible. And since it’s a quote from the Bible it was obviously said by Jesus and not, oh, an entire legion of demons. That’s like 15oo demons. So good on Kim Davis for being familiar with her holy writ.

God is sufficient? Is that a thing? It sounds like something from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Like how’s your god? “Eh, he’s ok I guess... I don’t know, he’s so-so. He’s sufficient.”

She’s 22 and the child of two rock stars, both who were constantly strung out on heroin when before and after she was born, one of whom died tragically a short time later so she never knew him and the other a spoiled brat who can’t keep herself under control and still acts like she’s a teenager at 51. Frankly, looking

D.A.R.E didn’t prepare me for this! What do I do!!!

A bump? What are these people? New?! Get the fuck right outta here with your your tacky little bumps.

hahaha, I’m laughing because I’m picturing my grandmother taking a sharp breath in disapproval. She used to get so peeved with us for picking on or not being respectful of the royal family when we were kids. Especially our insistence that the king looked like a duck. I mean...he does, though

Thing is, this is the just-married-into-the-Royal-family princess who used to be a lingerie model and a contestant on a trashy reality show (Swedish version of Paradise Hotel). So any pointing out of similarities to a Kardashian are all about continuing the slut-shaming she’s already been subjected to.

The only Swedish Princess that matters.

Women wanted eight more minutes of foreplay and seven more minutes of intercourse

I'd love to think getting rid of this outdated law that is harming jobs and manufacturing would be on the top of Congress's list of things to do, but I'm sure there's a vagina walking around free out there somewhere.