Yep,  they voted for it.  I am sitting back with my popcorn.   

Money. It all comes down to greasing the hands of the political class.

You’re asking the right questions.

We need government to protect us from rich assholes.

Because the Vegas tunnel was backed by the private Vegas Tourism board, it’s exempt from federal scrutineers who may criticize its construction and operation...

And I see no sign of any ventilation system in the tunnel photos, so they’d be a death trap in case of a fire.

the Vegas Loop can handle“For comparison, around 4,000 passengers per hour traveling through the tunnels in Tesla cars”

Throw some bombs in there first, just to be sure.

I live here. And I work at the Convention Center sometimes. Let me tell you, The Loop is *nothing* like public transportation. It only operates when there is a convention in progress, not in between. Since I mostly do setups and teardowns, I have *never* had the opportunity to take this. It’s not transportation, it’s

Math doesnt add up. Assume each direction has half the 4000 passengers. 2000 passengers one way, divide by 4 per car, means 500 vehicles per hour. Given there are 3600 seconds in an hour, means a car must leave every 7.2 seconds. Really?

Agreed. If folks haven’t already done so, it’s worth adding ProPublica.org to your news bookmarks. Their longform reporting is beyond excellent.

No safety exits or proper ventilation...

A lack of care for employees and riders? Yep, seems about on-brand for ‘ol Muskie.

Nah. Vegas is the home of more hustles and boondoggles than any of us can possibly count. I’m very confident that Musk’s subterranean boondoggle will serve as the example that nobody will be willing to follow in the future.

A tight tunnel, with EV cars that have a tendency to catch fire... 

May the entire crop of billionaires and 47's sycophants be in it when it collapses. Then seal it with concrete. Just in case. 

ProPublica has been knocking it out of the park lately.  This story, the car tows in Connecticut, the mole that infiltrated a few militias.  Really excellent reporting that needs to be more common in America, especially over the next four years.

Musk, Trump, Thiel, et al. are megalomaniacal psychopaths. James Bond would be sent to kill every one of them.

Yup, here it comes... graft, kickbacks, shoddy work and labor practices that are cruel and unfair to workers. Send those non-union coal miners back underground for 10 hour shifts with no breaks, overtime or safety gear... fine by me; that’s what they voted for.

Whatever the hell he was, he wasn’t a hero. Sad if this is what mental illness and/or PTSD does to someone, and we can all have our own political beliefs, but anyone that praises these kinds of actions is horrible.