So many squares!

I love a good, chewy oatmeal cookie! These could probably benefit from the addition of some cinnamon and raisins. Can’t wait to try them, but will cut the recipe in half as I am the only one who will be eating them.

If you really want to confuse somebody, just hand them the keys to one of these cars and don’t tell them how it works.

Agreed. This looks ridiculous.

Also good with peanut butter!

I might know that same guy. Last I heard from him was just before Y2k when he moved up north because he was sure the revolution was about to start. Wonder how he’s doing?

Reading the spoilers on the Wikipedia page made me want to see this movie MORE.

Don’t move to Northern California, because black widow spiders are literally everywhere outside. I got used to them and learned pretty quickly when and where to expect them.

BK will sell a bazillion of these. I know I’m trying one!

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Everything is being caught on video these days or, at the very least, photographed. I want to see all these UFOs that are being described as “so common”.

I don’t like it because it’s just not a good looking car. Not because it’s retro, or dorky, or whatever. Sorry, it’s just kinda fugly.

Back in the 70s, we used to take over the local Pizza Hut restaurant in our town. We’d order ONE Coke and five straws. Then we’d sit around and smoke cigarettes, play the jukebox, and generally be little shitheads. We were just awful!

I am SO with you on this one.

There’s nothing worse than waiting in a long line of stopped cars for a pedestrian who didn’t bother to wait for his walk signal and is now already a block down the street.

Everything has to be premium or performance or professional because of the exorbitant prices these things cost.

I’m all kinds of digging it too.

When I read the headline, I assumed it was the boys who were wearing the leggings!

Interior door trim aside, I just really like the way the Italian version looks!

I totally agree when he says there is no need for “a cold, miserable slab of waxlike cheddar”. Mild cheddar cheese is practically flavorless. It just adds fat and calories for no real payoff.

Every time I see his face, I think “evil villain”.