Die Fledermaus von Gotham

I routinely get emails for another person with my name in NJ. He for some reason always submits my email when he brings his car in for service. I started off emailing them and letting them know I wasn’t the person they were trying to get in touch with and then unsubscribing. That didn’t take, so I started logging in

My canine child responds to food only, but will do anything for it.

Similar experience, though I am old and it was a FuncoLand (remember those, fellow old people?). The sheer amount of garbage people used to intentionally introduce to their systems was staggering. I can’t count how many had been broken because they tried to clean it with Windex because the whole inside was caked with

I’m sorry, sorry but this is clearly the work of a hair doctor, so the full head of hair thing is also bullshit. Also, who goes fucking tanning anymore? Also, also, the whole of this article is a garbage male dumpster fire. His teeth are so small they look like dolphin teeth!

Additional step if you want more flavor without the bullion: Mix 4 cups of water, 1/4 cup of salt, 1/4 cup of sugar. Mix until no solids remain. Add chicken and let it sit for at least an hour. Drain and pat dry with a paper towel. Once it’s dry start with step one above.


Wow, the Cloud and Lightning images look like they came directly from the game. Top notch stuff.

That’s some good lookin out! Just grabbed one. Thanks!

That’s some good lookin out! Just grabbed one. Thanks!

I’ve been playing for about 15 years. I started at the ripe old age of 20, so a lot of this held no allure for me. The thing with groups I’ve played in or DM’d for is that almost all of them have been pretty equally split along gender lines. How as a DM could you run a “sexy monster” adventure that leaves out half

I live in a tourist town and they actually tell people to “Stop, Look, and Wave” at drivers when crossing the road in crosswalks. In some places it’s painted in the crosswalk.

I was at her show in Boston before the Trump comments came to light. Instead, she had comments to make about gun rights which were extremely reasoned and had more to do with her fans getting hurt than anything. We had a ton of people get up and walk out during it. There’s always someone who will find a way to be

Super glad someone else caught this. The trouser length is waaayy too long and flabby. All debate I was wondering why he was wearing a much taller, fatter persons suit. Also, who doesn’t know how to knot and get the proper tie length at his age? I learned that when I was twelve. Money can’t buy style I guess.

One of the biggest issues with the Dreamcast was how easy it was to pirate games. They were never going to make a profit on the games when a CD burner and Internet connection was all it took. Still, street fighter alpha was so much better on the Dreamcast.

I had never sen using stairs for this, but it makes total sense from a progression standpoint. I like the yoga block! That’s a great progression. I also like taking things like yoga blocks and medicine balls and using them as platforms to put your hands on. Yoga blocks add difficulty, medicine balls add a stability

That’s very true. Your form relies on the whole leg, knee pushups stop the support at the knee. With a leaning progression you have the chance to engage all the muscles used in the full work out and work them up to a full push up or harder.

Sure, it’s all about strength level. I never let anyone get away with saying they can’t do push ups. There are so many variations that I know they can. It’s just a matter of your skill level. You wouldn’t expect to strap on ice skates and play for the NHL, you probably aren’t going to start out doing push ups well.

The alternate to this is to elevate your hands. If you want a progression to full pushups, you can start this way:

Idiot child like rage aside, the camera operator on this show appears to be drunk. Or maybe I am? Whisky.

Darn Tough Quarter Cushion. Soft, indestructible, multipurpose and comes with a lifetime warranty just in case.

Darn Tough Quarter Cushion. Soft, indestructible, multipurpose and comes with a lifetime warranty just in case.