I kind of get their rationale on this one. I have three of them kicking around. When I replace the old 3DS I won't need it.
I kind of get their rationale on this one. I have three of them kicking around. When I replace the old 3DS I won't need it.
Highly recommend The Cook's Illustrated Cookbook. It's the size of the King James Bible and makes damned sure you never are wanting for a recipe. I have a hard time finding reliable recipes from the internet so this is always my go to.
You missed the leather bound editions. It's great because it's sort of a deconstructionist cow. There's cow skin filled with tripe and bullshit! You have to pay a premium for art like that.
I honestly have no idea what caused it. The handle just fell apart up near where the handle meets the blade. Same one pictured above.
I honestly have no idea what caused it. The handle just fell apart up near where the handle meets the blade. Same…
I would have put Schumer in the Venkman role and Tyler in the Spengler. I'm all for Judy Greer for damn near any part as though. She may be one of the funniest people out there.
It's not mandatory here in NH.
Also, her FAQ is hilariously well thought out:
I just watched her video channel and dayum. This is a thing that happens daily? I just...I don't... How do these people not know how creepy this is? I live in the country so we don't see this as much on account of not having a lot of people.
Sure makes Navi shrieking "Link! Listen!" not make any sense.
Not sure I'm a huge fan of this. It feels like lazy pandering as opposed to a real honest attempt to bring female characters into the core lineup. Thor is an established character and he's not leaving the Marvel Universe and being replaced by the new Thor as evidenced by all the other upcoming titles showing him sans…
I have this one, and it's not bad...until the handle fell apart. It's a good thing Wusthof has a good warranty.
I have this one, and it's not bad...until the handle fell apart. It's a good thing Wusthof has a good warranty.
I'm sorry but cabs in France and Italy are scary as shit. They're happy to give you a ride without turning on their meters and then scam you at the end of the ride. But no, no...Uber is the problem.
That's such irresponsible and incorrect bullshit that it makes me sick. My stepfather only started being an abusive asshole after he got married. I would imagine that the pattern of abuse is not in the first few weeks/months/years of a relationship, but later once they've established emotional hooks.
Comes with a set of Beats headphones, Red Bull, and the box sets on fire when you beat the game.