1) Florida will be swallowed by the sea shortly as Climate Change is now unstoppable. So who cares.
Well, seems important. This research attempts to imply that we are closer to having direct observation of a black hole when that is not really true.
Why is it that so many people believe that nothing has ever, will ever, or should ever change? Life is change. Time is change. Everything is always in flux. The only question is over what time period.
Why do scientists fake things these days? Why do they do that?
A good story might be a profile of Macron. He is everything the modern, or real, left hates.
No, that’s not how you get followed. You have to demonstrate complete objectivity such that your opinions are hardly opinions at all. You value truth above all else, and quickly admit when you are mistaken. You are pleasant and thoughtful. Your first objective in any discussion is to see from the vantage point of your…
why not just engage the topic instead of offering belittling epithets?
To say nothing of Bill or Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama. Only the dumbest or most fraudulent political opinion holders play the Our Side Good Your Side Bad game.
“at the request of”
Honestly don’t understand why socialists don’t like her. Her job was to enforce the border and she kind of did that but not very well. She wasn’t gung ho like Trump, she just did a job that exists. So maybe the problem you all have is with the job itself and not her? I also don’t get why socialists don’t want to…
Think of the greatest murdering organizations in history. Mao, Stalin, etc. Now imagine if their leadership had been wiped out. This was likely her logic.
Was that her reason? The demographic skew towards POCs and WOCs when it comes to abortion? I would have figured it was about selling baby parts or whatever.
Slightly different topic but, are Bill and Hillary still doing “An Evening with The Clintons”? Looks like people are dumping their tickets for really cheap on StubHub.
So Obama is the antagonist and not Bernie?
I’m sorry. I don’t mean anything by it. They are thought of as the same exact city by hundreds of millions of Americans and billions more globally. They are good cities though, damn good even.
You are no “former Midwesterner,” my amigo. No “current New Yacka” would disagree with our position on this.
I am of the opinion that Hitler had more power than money. It would then stand to reason that he valued power over money.
To learn who rules over you, simply determine whomst you cannot criticize.
In quality of life terms there really isn’t. Buffalo may be less energetic, more dismal, and very boring but NYC is dirty, annoying, and completely polluted in every way. Both are miserable in their own ways.