----> ?

well not really.  it’s an interpretive observation of matter surrounding the theoretical black hole.

they say so

false meaning through language, yes.  however -- I was talking about her swear word usage.  

Did you know that illegal aliens receive in-state tuition in 18 different states?

no Offense but it literally was a answer and still is. Pics are pics, ok? This is not a pic. Pics are taking with a camera... something that captures whats there and to do that you need, literally, light. Black holes? No light. Vis a vis no photos can be taken of them. This image is nothing but a high tech guess.


Equally horrible. Trump’s SALT cap was a great policy that no other president would have put in place. 

Ahem, could this be how the right feels about illegal immigrants?

Well you probably killed that sweet journolist Khashoggi.  Shame on you. 

She knows how to get enough money through “public service” to afford a $7M home too.

As the article correctly notes, he’s running to raise his profile.  That he flatly lies about that up front makes him untrustworthy.  He’s a Hillary-esque centrist that’s in it for himself and this union move is more nothing.  

lmoa not sure if you realize this or not but he waited until mariage 


Right, but these people stay mad. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Been watching this all day. It is most certainly not important at all. Maxine Waters is the committee chair for heaven’s sake. It’s a circus. Maxine has never understood anything regarding finance despite her constant use of the word “mortgage.” AOC just questioned Dimon about whether enough people went to jail or not

yea but only sometime, not every time

people are really mad around here aren’t they?  just read some of the replies to you and... i think they’re pretty mad about something but it’s hard to put my thumb on it... maybe it’s the four years straight of eating lies and losing to someone they believe to be an idiot.

wong Oprah audtioned ONCE and after that it was the Oprah show on every channel including this one where talking about

according to no one

lmoa yeah right!  Nobody grant Oprah a audition exept OPRAH