
It boosts the effectiveness of testerone, not the quantity of testosterone.

It boosts the effectiveness of testerone, not the quantity of testosterone.

And then in the same sentence

“To use a modern day parallel, was it “traitorous” for the UK to vote for Brexit?”

Thats fine and all, but the holiday in question is “Great Americans Day.” Even you are admitting, in the most favorable light possible, Lee was not a “Great American” but rather a “Great Virginian” (again, in the most favorable light to Lee in considering him “great”). So it still doesnt make sense given the name of

Of course, government employees, and contractors for the government, cannot be fired for speech made outside of work.

Well, the Phillies stadium is owned by the City. If the stadium is owned by the city, and she works for the stadium (even through a contractor), then it gets more interesting. She can probably forge an

Army Corps of Engineers is not politically appointed. This means Trump cannot simply appoint someone else and reverse the decision. With that said, whoever made the decision is going to get hired in some democratic think tank for a huge salary.

It’s not “our” infrastructure. It is infrastructure owned by ETP, a private corporation. I cannot use that infrastructure unless I pay ETP. If the government were to build it and maintain it, and profit from it, it would be “ours”. But this is private company infrastructure, running through public land and/or running

National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).