
Fitting for a GLORY BOY to tarnish a city that does mid-tier soccer THE RIGHT WAY

And that time over at Donnie’s place,

Ah yes, the “frontier justice” of...winning a trophy, and shaking hands with the guy presenting you that trophy while he looks slightly uncomfortable. Just like back in the wild west.

It’s great. He asked if JK Scott was Ray Guy and if Keyshawn ever played with Y.A. Tittle.

It’s only right for elite programs.

Look at the face he makes eating the small packet of mayo. He is in discomfort. Also look at his tongue in that video. The mayo coats it. There is no coating in the ESPN video. It looks whiter in the ESPN video too. This can only lead a reasonable person to one conclusion: This guy is a tool and needs to get bent.

Utter and complete revisionist bullshit. They threatened a boycott unless they lifted the suspensions. Period. They also indirectly demanded the AD be fired.

Dude, the only people that handled anything badly was the damn football team.

Excuse me? “nothing to be proud about”? So, it’s ok, it’s just not something to be proud of, like....like smelly feet? Your attitude right here is the essence of the problem. So tell me, do you think a sexual assault by multiple people happened, but it’s not that big a deal, or do you think it didn’t happen but you’re

The presumption that the players had no idea what really happened is ludicrous. Hell many of them were on the message thread the night it went down. Then the “due process” bullshit. They tried to pull a power play not because they were ignorant, but because they didn’t think rules should apply to them.

And my hatred for Mitch Leidner grows. What an arrogant prick. Outgoing senior has a lot of big tough things to say after heading the worst boycott to ever take place. YOU got him fired, Mitch. I hope everyone does transfer. Anyone involved in the boycott shouldn’t be welcomed back. We’ve always been a shitty team,

The players made an arrogant power play that fans and alumni should be ashamed of. They essentially demanded the AD be fired for following up on the recommendations of the investigation.

This game went a long way in the healing process...

James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.

Albert, I’m sure you’re a very nice person, but you’re wrong and your opinion is wrong and I’m embarrassed for you. Half Nelson and Lars were great films, Notebook, Drive, Crazy Stupid Love and Nice Guys were good films. Ryan Gosling is very talented and a lovely person with a body that does not quit. He is also

Back in the day, we bought a newly built house in a subdivision that had been a huge cow pasture. there were no trees. none. So each Christmas, Dad bought a live Christmas Tree, a big bushy motherfucker that took two men, no kids, to haul indoors and then later back outdoors. We would plant that bad boy every year for

In all honesty, there is going to be a plaque with some donor’s name at the bottom of that thing. Probably donated by some hospital CEO or ACL repair specalist or something.

I absolutely cannot wait for the first high-star prospect to get injured on this slide and the inevitable banning of its use for all football players.

Bad penalty - Shaw got shafted.