
I used to feel sorry for her but now see the error of my ways, she’s a corporate sociopath married to a political one.

I mean, if you are friends with the Cruz family, how good a person can you be?

Lol “follow the money”...nah, I dont have an interest in engaging with a random conspiracy theory. I’ve seen how the sausage is made on the lobbying side and worked in private and public roles. I’ve seen enough of this corner of the world and these things to know when to be cynical: AOC is an idealist, but she is good

It’s sad that you’re so comfortable with being disrespected like this.


Trump only called her ugly because he’s a misogynist and that’s the worst thing he can think of to say about a woman.

good point ... forgot that whiskey stinkin’ intern killer

I think it says something when even right wing pundits are like “He’s basically useless, so it was probably for the better that he left the country during this crisis.”

Emphatically disagree. No, he could not single-handedly get the power on. But he could raise money for relief, help people get some answers (when local governments were doing a piss-poor job of communicating) and overall make us feel that we hadn’t been 100% abandoned. If he wanted to send Heidi and the kids to

Senator Cruz, please stop fishing through message boards and get back to getting people power in Texas.

In the Cruzes’ defense, none of their other horrible, treasonous, spineless actions ever had any negative consequences. So, why would they think this would?

Apparently Texans need no sympathy or help or regard whatsoever? Then why is Texas news? Or why don’t we see headlines like “Texas without power, heating or water, but shuns federal relief because freehdum”?

Uhhhhh she knew who she was marrying.

I once thought Heidi made shitty life choice marrying Rafael Edward Cruz (why the FUCK is he a “Ted”? Ted is NOT short for Edward or Ed unless you are a wannabe old English twat) but I have come to realize that they deserve each other.

Honestly, I expect that group chat is now officially dead. Heidi wouldn’t write anything in there ever again knowing it can/will be leaked to the press, and everyone else is probably using the alternate chat they have minus Heidi (and anyone who is actually loyal to her in any way) from now on.

Anyone traveling internationally during a pandemic has questionable decision-making skills, not to mention morals. A politician who does so is a fool, hence why politicians around the world have been punished for it in the last year.

I dunno, AOC organized relief from New Yorkers for a couple million sent to Texas in the span of a few hours and its not her district or state.

Cruz is trash and an opportunist. Even if Texas wants to vote for Republicans there are better options.

Seriously? Contrast Cruz’s reaction to Beto’s (y’all voted in the wrong guy, but it was close).  Sadly, too many people in Texas see a (D) at the end of a name at the voting booth, and get visions of a Nazi-Commie who will take away their guns and force them to have abortions. That’s why you get people like Cruz,

She’s normal looking. And any criticism of looks - even if it were warranted - from Trump is null and void upon utterance. 

I don’t pay attention (as much as possible) to any Republicans or their wives, to try and keep my blood pressure stable, but Heidi is attractive, at least in this photo she is. Didn’t That Asshole slander her looks to get at Cruz? UGH that heaving mass of pustulent corruption is just a piece of shit not only from top