LOOKOUT, CHuber has a man crush on him
LOOKOUT, CHuber has a man crush on him
Agreed. Why didn't they position Walker between the two to air-out the bald muscles in the composition?
Speaking of looking at the promo shot, no one noticed that they are mysteriously floating (at an angle) 300 feet above London? Some sort of airship ala Avengers?
The steroids part gets me. I don't think Vin even lifts weights much less does roids... Dwayne on the other hand... yeah.
You can't be serious? That kind of celebrity worship is just sad.
Proper grammar embiggens us all.
Kumar? What is that like five O's and two U's??
The back seats are useful for lowering your insurance premium. You'd be paying a lot more if it was a true 2 seater.
My wife still guffaws about the time we saw a ratted out Probe GT "tuned" by a young kid. It had a banner at the top of the windshield stating:
"Bad Ass Probe".
Freaking YES!
I like E21, but the rear end was kinda ugly. I like E30 better overall - I think the design is near flawless. But for the 6 series, the first generation stands out as my favorite even among the sleek modern ones.
Ok - got it. I wish they re-relased a close replica of this body today - I'm sure it would sell well. That aggressive forward-slanting nose needs to come back to BMW!
You know, I like your reasoning. It is more elegant.
In a perfect world, cars would have names that clearly state their intentions, like Honda Snoozemobile or Ferrari…