Written in The Stars: 10/17/2018

Political Correctness is not about stupidity, it’s about control. 

You’ve gotta go back.

There are 7 murders an hour in Brazil. Tough to change for the worse, no?

Dwayne’s comment has me somewhat frustrated rn so hopefully that doesn’t come through in my reply to you. If it does just blame it on Dwayne who is always trying to frustrate people online.

The most disturbing part of this film isn’t his climb, but his claim.

If it was an active situation I really believe the hallway would be the worst place to wait it out. I’d try to find the locker rooms first, kitchen second, and flee the building third.

Illegal labor refugee bandito aliens are not “peasants.” Have some respect.

Which thing?  There’s like ten thousand. 

100% agree.  They don’t even try to hide it anymore.

Funny you should mention Pavlovian response... every person replying to my DNC Asset comment all seem to believe that an “asset” can only mean “spy stuff from the movies.”

Why are you posting pro-Trump memes in an anti-Trump comment?

Wow.  He’s actually a pretty decent writer. 

Not really a specific contention but I get where you’re coming from.

Starred for correct usage of lie [vs lay].  

Phish is fundamentally a right wing band just like the Grateful Dead.  The Dead were admittedly further right of Phish though.  

What is your specific contention here?

Now playing

Yeah, it was extremely limited to Feinstein. The report had nothing to do with Kavanaugh outside of Feinstein’s cute little orchestrated conspiracy.

Yes.  An asset.  Of the DNC.

Beto is the Hillary of the 2018 midterms.  Start hedging your bets on white boi Robert.

Are you saying that you are a legal citizen of the United States?  If so, please accept my apologies.