Written in The Stars: 10/17/2018

It’s a discouragement tactic. 

Lemon is a few things none of which you cited.  He is a 1) moron 2) DNC asset 3) liar.

You can tell a lot about a fella by his choice of thickly-rimmed, black spectacles.

Tell you what Big Elmo or whatever your name is... I don’t believe in much but I do believe in the rule of the god damned law. And that law is not very hard to understand.

Both cities are to be avoided at all costs. I live in Vermont, own over two hundred functioning guns as well as many relics, farm my own fresh food, slaughter my own pigs/cows/chickens/turkeys/lamb/fish/venison/etc, make my own beer and whiskey, and ski every weekday during the winter. I spend my summer days

Np but that’s an apple.


Trump is extremely likable. The only people that don’t like him at this point are those whose dreams of First Girl POTUS Ever1 he destroyed. Even the Bernie Bois are coming around.

This is a NY/BKLYN/NY site, bubba.  Aggressive homeless of SF are welcome but must clean up after themselves.  Syringe disposal is below the espresso machine. 

I wish but no.  I’m just a lowly citizen of the greatest nation to ever exist.  

Honestly, what are you guys gonna do? Mike Bloomberg, Howie Schultz, Kamala Harris? Corey Booker? All of these people are extremely unlikable and transparent frauds. Bernie won’t run again, not that he matters at all. The mayor of LA?  Hillary 2020? I cannot see a path to victory for the left.

You idiots have been saying that for over two years and still have zero evidence. Foreign subversion of our democracy is a problem on the left, not the right.

Now playing

Obama very well could have been born in Kenya. You don’t know and neither do I. His birthplace is still a mystery just like his time as a foreign exchange student at Colombia University.

Let’s say that this unsourced hearsay article is true. So what? Japan just started allowing casinos in the country [bad move] and Trump mentions in passing “Maybe allow my friend to build one.”

And they are correct to do so because Dianne Feinstein should be in jail for multiple crimes, not least of which is using an asset to orchestrate a completely unverified smear campaign against a Supreme Court nominee.

And they are correct to do so because Dianne Feinstein should be in jail for multiple crimes, not least of which is using an asset to create a completely unverified smear campaign against a Supreme Court nominee.

Before I edited my comment I asked what Mr. Bezos was doing to solve this curious riddle, that is what BigRedOne is replying to.

Trump has a great relationship with Crown Prince bin Salman.

Worse has happened in America.