
Think of the sort of grief that several of the vehicle drivers will feel.

Yeah that will be much better.

we: current minoritys

They should really update this article.  The halt is already over.  Lasted twenty minutes.  All of this celebration is really desperate. 

The halt is already over.  Nothing happened and the wall will be built.  And in Trump’s second term we will have mass deportations.  Then comfy socialism and we’ll all be much happier.

Worse are the e-skateboards.  The gadget nerds riding these things at 30mph down city streets are not former skateboarders that have a feel for it.  They are uncomfortable techy gadget freaks that will all die from this terrible choice of theirs. 

Get your hopes up aaaaaand.... halt lifted.

Wall of Text

The halt has already been lifted.

When you wake up tomorrow, you will still be you.  And that it why I don’t feel it necessary to respond in kind.  

We would be able to pay teachers much, much more if the Democrats did not create a parallel welfare society completely dependent on Democrat appropriations.

Socialism never took root because of the 1965 Immigration Act.

Kinda weird that all these anti-Trump media entities are having mass layoffs at the same time.  Does this have anything to do with the shutdown?

Daily reminder that if you are for unchecked, mass migration you are automatically against universal healthcare and a simple, fair tax code.

Not true.  Pls read economic herstory.

You can lead a horse to water and all that. I never said some of your brains weren’t so corrupt as to be unsalvageable.

If you supported Bernie, you should support Trump. It’s not contrarian to support a guy that is going after the elites that Bernie warned you about. What the hell do you think The Swamp is? It’s the RNC/DNC neocon public to private circuit that has crystallized their power over the past three decades.

Still believing in 2019 that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the election is a pure form mental illness. It’s an ego preservation tactic that sacrifices the integrity of your thought process for lazy self reassurance.

Here’s the issue, username I love, the wealth gap is already extreme. Treating capital gains as income doesn’t tighten that gap, it just creates more taxes... unless we tie those capital gains taxes to amounts like the $10M she floated. But it has to work.