
We are definitely in the same neighborhood, and in the same ballpark in that neighborhood.

I was asking the best character from Wet Hot American Summer, not you.

Oh great here comes the entire posse.

Shit.  Sorry, and good catch.  English isn’t my first language.  Russian is. 

Oh come on. We all know that walls work. Dehydrated vagabonds and half-assed sojourners aren’t going to put in that kind of effort, and if they do maybe we should let them stay. Good test to see whether they have the good old American spirit. Could use some more of that these days anyhow.

It’s just $5.7BN.  They should just give it to him and end this.

It’s $5.7BN dollars. Just give it to him already. We gave Israel six times that last year for no reason.

If I wanted to argue I could get into refinancing debt with debt which all major issuers of debt do and individuals of extreme net worth could also do but I get your point - at some point you sell.  Yes, of course.  Hopefully you aren’t selling within a tax sheltered vehicle to avoid cap gains taxes.  If your point is

Boomer Conservatives need to be approached differently. It’s a generational thing, not just a Fox/Rush thing. They believe that their parents were the greatest heroes of all time, that Reagan was the best president of all time, and all the tired mantras and cliches they developed along the way.

True, but his 2&20 take is a small share of his personal wealth and isn’t applicable to real estate, tech, entertainment, whatever else. My point is that taxing income and acting like that will solve the wealth gap is wrong.

Tell him that Buffet, Gates, Zuckerberg and anyone else of their caliber that are promising to “give it all away” are just employing tax evasion techniques whereby their assets remain wholly controlled by them, their heirs, and any other appointees while avoiding giving any of it away to any other entity for purposes

I have a record setting hot water drill too.  It’s called my shower?

Get comfy, smirk at fake news, and support Trump. It’s really easy and relaxing.  Basically a political spa treatment. 

Those lines are stale and cracking. Huge opportunity if we could ever get over the Identity Politics/PC Culture hump.

YES!!! HFT does not improve liquidity and is essentially aggregate theft from smaller trades.

Purdue [Opioids], Mylan [Epipen], Theranos [LOL]... there is no shortage of dirty pharma companies.

I am not saying that taxing incomes above $10M at 70% is bad or wrong. I’m saying it won’t work. If you apply that same $10M figure to a cap gains tax I’m sure you will get people on board and that will work better than the silly, avoidable income tax.

There are huge areas of overlap between the left and the right when it comes to economic populism.  It’s important to get right.  

With a computer, fax machine and telephone, he began trading convertible bonds in 1987 out of his dorm room with $265,000 he raised from his mother, grandmother and two non-family investors, according to Bloomberg Markets magazine. He persuaded his dorm’s janitor to let him place a satellite dish on the rooftop to get

Not to mention that university endowments - which they are not required to spend in any way - are something like $550BN and not taxed.  Tuition has been outpacing inflation for decades now... why?