
Confidence rating: 2/5 stars

corporate capitalism

Please don’t say that.  Your entertainment is my only concern.

Seems the strategy of obfuscating, mischaracterizing, and outright lying for foment outrage isn’t working.

Seems the strategy of obfuscating, mischaracterizing, and outright lying to foment outrage isn’t working.

We cannot claim to care about equal rights when we are deliberately changing our demographics by importing people who do not care about equal rights.

Delete the app from your phone.  You will not miss it.  

Too bad Serena isn’t there to lose, get all roid ragey, and claim racism.

Not a big Ivanka fan but that’s a really great photo of her.

Trump knew he was going to shutdown the government and had been planning it for some time, so in the last budget he carved out 18 months worth of pay for the Exec Office as a precaution.  Doubt the shutdown will last that long but looks like he’s prepared.

Dude said he was an Army Recon Ranger deployed to Vietnam. He was a f*cking fridge guy in the states.

Fire this guy into the moon then fire the moon into a black hole.

Jorge, you are a white man. Stop condescending to ethnic Mexicans by pretending to speak for them. You don’t. You are demonstrating white privilege and you need to stop.

God, she truly is a moron.

True, but it’s even worse than that. They lobby to create tax code that they are able to avoid but their smaller competitors will have to pay. This creates huge barriers to entry and over time creates monopolies.

Trump is by far the greatest president in modern herstory. 

I think Boom Biddy is just trying his hand at shifting the discussion from the point to some made up tangent. Nobody was making fun of General Phillips’ job. So if he can shift the conversation from specific to categorical the point may be lost. You see this online a lot from paid shills.

He was never deployed.

Nothing wrong with being a fridge guy or anything else, but when you lie and say you were an Army Recon Ranger deployed to Vietnam as a way to boost your own reputability? Then it becomes funny.

Or - as is the case with the Kochs and almost every other billionaire - they want the govt protecting their businesses.