
Flopping comes to the NHL.  Awesome.

this will not get you laid

Because he understands optics?  He knows the media will back him up so long as he chooses the correct “aggressor” for his little act.

Thanks for the TLDR because this was a lot of text.

this whole episode couldn’t have worked out better for Trump and his supporters

you sound mad

This guy was a refrigerator technician in the Army that never deployed and went AWOL multiple times before he was discharged.

“libertarian billionaires” what are you smoking chief backwards?  billionaires love govt why do you think there’s a revolving door from govt to goldman sachs?  also they get tax breaks from the govt and don’t pay taxes.

no he def does want a wall are you serious.  he just also doesn’t give a hoot about federal bureaucracy.  also he thinks pelosi and schumer will get the blame and with his sotu caving things are heading that direction because they look like they in control now

headline does’nt make any sense

Insurance Corps: “Pay us because you might need us someday.”


says “take their mother f******** aassets”

in other words it affects nobody or will soon affect nobody if it ever passes which it probably could because the billionaires can say “look how much i’m being taxed!” while not paying any taxes.

your reasoning is ok but obvs you need threshholds for it. lots of people own shitty houses, that doesn’t mean they are bigtime and need to be taxed more. some ownership should be encouraged and housing is obvs one of those things.

no i didn’t know that but i would like to see how many people that actually affects. 10m declared income a year? you have to be dumb to receive that even in the current rates. more likely you are being comped in deferred stock or other private securities transactions.

orourke is just hillary on a skateboard without the horrible personality

if 70% marg tax rate passed, everyone would think the problem was being solved when just the opposite is true. you would in effect be kicking the upper middle, or even plain upper, class in and about the face while billionaires who, again, do not have or need income, sit on the sidelines and pretend they are being

bEcause unproductive wealth is that which sits in assets doing nothing. productive wealth is spent. that would be a tax, largely, on productive wealth that is - a t least to some degree - spent, unlike assets.