
Corporation, esp in tech, are modern monopolies and wealth is in assets not income.  AOC’s proposal literally helps billionaires.

Friendly daily reminder that taxing income doesn’t affect people like Mike Dell, Bloomberg, Bezos, Zuckerberg, or anyone else at Davos because they either don’t have or don’t need income and have all their wealth tied up in assets of varying liquidity that ARE NOT TAXED AND WILL NOT BE TAXED WITH AN INCREASE IN TAXES

stop already or i’ll have to put my jammies on

Like thats any better then having our literal democracy destroyed right in front of us while there all laughing in the Kremlin?

Well he does have a good smile for there purposes obviously.

lol figure skating?  what

Just tweeted it.  Confirmed.  Got 25 RTs already.

Pretty tired of talking about insurance tbh.  How about instead of playing those shady games we just make it free?  Sounds a lot better but what do I know.

Only good thing Don Jr ever did was divorce this dumb bird.

your the one with all caps on...

So I finally convinced you.. always happens sooner or later.

It would be cooler if Mueller arrested him and Pence on the spot and Pelosi delivered the SOTU and became president.  Not her biggest fan but I would gladly have her be POTUS for the next 8 years.

i just took back my star, that was a accident.  hogg is literally a hero, literally saved people during a school shooting and even the sherrif said so.  you have no idea what your talking about.  hogg is a really good person that cares about other people and just cause you think “freedom of speech is my right” doesn’t

Also remember that the richest counties in the country are oddly clustered around DC.

Also remember that the richest counties in the country are oddly clustered around DC.

remember that we already won so it’s not worth arguing with them... just look at population growth and demographics

Funny thing is we are the 99%

your name autodisqualifies anything you have to say on faces or looks, thats what

Same. Also remember that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

yEA not surprising considering you think facetime is crime