
Isn’t it “More Stupidly” lmao come on now

hahahahahaha shutup

so your saying that a school shooting victim is different then a guy hunting for trouble in a modern day kkk outfit?

Now you know why the right is trying to make a folk hero out of that kid... they know how good Hogg is and want one of them for their own.

Get down on it


Actually you made them DREAMERs... what?

Haha your not makin any sense bud

Brooklyn was fed up long before you settle it bro

Answer: No.  

yea, except we actually will and so what does that say?  scared or something?

How about you try to listen instead

“Both sides” - wrong


Dont’ you dare let them off the hook so easy.  Those are white men full stop I guarantee you. 

Yeah I know but you can change white male supremacy to whoever holds the rains.

number ONE threat to humanity is white men, not just white men “like this” but ALL white men

In 10 years we will control all the insitutions in America so don’t listen to chb because thats the old way.  The new way is us and damn right about long memories.

Who is this 12yo nerd and why is he news?

we literally don’t know the value of most assets until there is a sale.