
Of-fucking-course you live in Boston. Thanks for helping prove our city is racist!

Cool Ranch Doritos being on this list at all, let alone first pick, made me want to call Kevin a priest to perform an exorcism. Kate wins this thing running away.

Cool Ranch Doritos are abhorrent.

This has to be solely about money though, right?

Home Sweet Home happens to be the *only* good Motley Crue song.

Don’t get it twisted—nearly every time I come home from the north shore beaches, I stop at the Rt1 location—but I still know it’s garbage.

I hope someone chimes in to say that Kelly’s is good

While I would assert that In-N-Out is the food embodiment of “meh” that has been overhyped solely due to it’s lack of general availability (personally, I’d rather eat Wendy’s, and/or Jack in the Box), Whataburger is genuinely good fast food. The only burger chain I’ve preferred to Whataburger is Fatburger. Note that

I think for a typical person (ie *not* a competitive lifter), grip strength is one of the most important things to work on, as it impacts pretty much everything they do. Personally, since I’m just looking to get stronger overall, and I’m *not* chasing a number, I want to build up my weakest link. Using straps just

1) No arguments here.

What’s Boston Mode? I thought I could figure it out from context, but I’ve failed...

The sense of entitlement is so high now that most fans view not winning a championship as an utter failure—which is obscene, honestly. It went from having a chip on their shoulder from being looked down upon by other fanbases because Boston teams were generally shitty for decades (across all sports), to having a

That guy’s post history is some Good Shit.

As a Boston resident and fan, I fucking hate Boston residents and fans.

Oh god. I spoke too soon. Multiple straight calls about how this is all Tuukka’s fault. Jesus christ, these fucking idiots

There were some impressive displays of laziness by the Bruins--Marchand isn’t alone in that. I called 3 of the goals several seconds before they happened, once it became clear that the Bruins were simultaneously not aggressive on the puck, and letting Blues players skate unimpeded to big spots away from the puck.

I haven’t heard anything about Rask on the Sports Hub this morning—most people are just saying the Bruins as a whole just didn’t have it last night...but it’s early days yet. I think even the most fervent of Tuukka haters realize that the Bs weren’t getting as far as they did without his incredible play, and the goals


Sorry, I can’t take seriously anyone who earnestly uses the terms “SJW” and “red pilled”.

Are we? Because a good third of Zers are already voting age. I guess we’ll see how it goes!