30 Century Man

Underrated comment.

It's a testament to just how awful Alice in Wonderland was, that I had completely forgotten that abominable dance the Mad Hatter did at the end. Atrocious!

The problem isn't that he's a bad filmmaker; on their own merits, stuff like Planet of the Apes and even the Willy Wonka remake (yeesh) are not irredeemably terrible movies. But he had such an amazing run throughout the late 80s and 90s, without a single misfire until Sleepy Hollow in 1999. I mean, how do you top Pee

To be honest, I'm a pretty discriminating viewer, and I was floored by Avatar (in 3D). I gushed to my coworkers about it, and then took my brother to see it — and realized how middling a story it was. It was less a film than a theme park ride.

Would anyone notice if he just stopped making films? Woody, I mean.

Thank you for your lengthy, thoughtful reply. I fear I'm not interested or invested enough in the subject to garner more than a brief, flip response. I appreciate you bringing nuance to the discussion, instead of sarcasm.

Go to bed, Shia.

The thing is, the "celebrity as rebellion against celebrity" shtick has been done to death for decades now. You can't outdo Warhol, at least LeBouf can't. He's not breaking new or interesting ground.

I think C&D letters are anti-art and lame, but fuck these guys — I can guarantee their music doesn't even come close to earning that name.

It's a very depressing one, though.

It's complete nonsense — that's actually where I stopped reading X-Men, as a young kid. They got rid of Longshot at the same time, ending a really interesting run.

It was great, but it also stuck out more than any other single scene. Crowd pleasing, but a little too eager, perhaps.

It'd be really neat for them to acknowledge that she's Captain Britain's sister.

Put your Brakhage blu-ray on, choose whatever music you'd like, if any at all.

There's also the Apollo documentary he did that amazing "country" soundtrack for, which works very well as ambient television.

Note to self — uninvite Scrawler from Cannes Afterparty/Liv Corfixen Roast.

If you're making a film about sexism/misogyny that consists entirely of gorgeous, color corrected shots of beautiful young actresses (playing models, no less), it's a bit like having & eating your cake, isn't it?

That is the best damning with faint praise I've heard in a while.

I think that the problem is he *has* been making another Drive; Only God Forgives was very similar in style and tone, was it not?

Darn those frat boys, ooh! Every time I try to enjoy a Refn film, they ruin it for everyone! They're almost as bad as hipsters.