
Xander Feng, House of Card.

what about the camera following Dexter's new killing free life, but with other people's stories developing around him

lol. do we have a comedy section?

he's likely to come back when Tyrion part way

that is basically what happen in the book… but if he gets on that boat. He's going to be traveling with Tyrion next time we see him, and not hiding in the Red Keep.
…I don't wanna spoil the 5th book, but when those people come back into Westeros. Varys will probably go back to King's Landing, before them. That would be

I'm not a fan of Varys getting on that boat… one of my favorite moments in the book was his encounter with Kevan Lannister.
hey, maybe he will hurry up ahead when THEY come back.


you're trying to make some statement, but are coming off really cunty.

he never said he was better than them.

who else has the feeling that Harvey might try to take on Darby, not Jessica?
He probably knew, which is why he brought Stephen in.

you guys keps talking about yeezus like Kanye was the only one with an album last week

now we know that George is pro choice.

if you're being attacked by Chris Brown, just show him your penis and/or yell "I'M A GUY!!!"