Speaking as somebody that has a garage full of Porsches and a new Turbo S on the way, this is how it works.
Speaking as somebody that has a garage full of Porsches and a new Turbo S on the way, this is how it works.
While I largely agree, I wonder if the common massive student debt combined with often insecure employment and shitty starting salaries, and high cost of health care and housing have them thinking they’ll be forever in debt, they might as well have a car that doesn’t contribute to their worries and it’s just a drop in…
Fun fact: the phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses” was coined in 2018 referring to Millennials only and was never used before then ever.
And I have (occasionally) bought new cars but don’t have multiple toys like motorcycles and jet skis. It’a all relative to someones situation.
And I do not disagree with you.
One of the best ways to prevent deaths from accidents is to prevent the accident in the first place. This is solved with education. Make it MUCH more difficult to obtain a driver license, or make it a tiered system (as to not negatively affect the lower income brackets) where a beginner permit allows you to use…
The interior looks really good, but what in the hell and all things unholy is going on in the back.
I agree. i bet motortrend will do a head to head on it eventually and we will all get to see it in 4 years whenever they lift the paywall off the video ...
I feel you! I am not rich, but I make more than most people I know my age(other than my GF, but I am not complaining, power couple! lol) and when I bought my little 3 bed 1 bath bungalow, I got shit for having a smaller and older house but newer, more expensive cars. I could have totally had both a bigger newer house…
I disagree. People with the funds to spend 70-150k on a vehicle are acutely aware of the costs. A friend of mine has owned vehicles in the 400-500k range and even he is extremely aware of cost, depreciation, maintenance, etc.
Don’t hate, hate is sooooo 1800's.
Dealers, along with many other businesses, borrowed billions in, you know, loans which have to be paid back because, you know, there’s a pandemic.
1st Gear: I can’t decide if this is supposed to be a bad thing? I mean, we all like to shit on the “stealerships”, but when you realize that most of them have very few employees, many working on comission, sitting on millions in inventory they can’t sell and razor-thin margins - I feel like that’s exactly what these…
Why does his wife always look like she’s constipated?
J. Karen Rowling
As much as it pains me to say this it is even more important to remove people like Moscow Mitch from office than Trump. Trump is dangerous but Mitch is 10x as dangerous.
And the local GOP as well.