I can't believe it still runs either

FCA gets to build more Jeeps and Rams to sell, and Tesla gets more cash to hemorrhage. Win-win.

Not a bike guy, but why does that front tire look the wrong way around for a unidirectional? Just saying.... 

I was trying to think of a witty comment on this so I could finally get off the 'pending' list, but none of my ideas have any traction. 

*Green* *Green*

My favorite is ‘ Made in North America ‘.


He doesn't want to putter around, and that tees me off.

Tanking Tesla is bad.

“Those are Simcana pants!”

A famous quote: When I'm in a car, I hate pedestrians. When I'm a pedestrian, I hate cars. Either way I hate cyclists.

When I first saw the image without reading the headline, I thought GM had finally fixed the mid-engine Corvette. 

The picture alone put a smile on my face and it was free! 

Tesla is building too many cars. That’s a bad thing.

Pressurized Internal Spray System. Now you have PISSTRD.

The rusty box provides better drainage. 

And Mitsubishi rode that wave for years. I miss those cars. Emphasis on CARS.

The only exception I feel is WRC. The in car view is fantastic at night, but not much else. And I'm a huge WRC fan, so this isn't hating. 

I swear I have a Matchbox car somewhere that looks like that. 

But it's a Volkswagen. It WILL die...

Why race up Tiananmen mountain? The chinese will just deny anything happened anyway.