A real shame. I like to watch and read stories of guys like this and all the cool places they visit. I hope they are at peace.
A real shame. I like to watch and read stories of guys like this and all the cool places they visit. I hope they are at peace.
Google “tragedy definition” and your edgy question will find a boring answer.
ha, that’s why I have my screenname! Although I have to root for any good Portuguese player so I won’t hate on the kid!
Good story. Thanks for sharing.
It was not a good song. It is not a good song.
My friend, this is a book excerpt. Earlier in the book we learn that Angel is from Atlantic City. Thank you for your attention to detail and passion re: geography.
I have always considered Billy Ray Cyrus to be a one hit wonder not a country music legend. I must have missed something.
I think he was just a regular rich white kid who was raised with a sense of unearned entitlement and allowed to believe that he had everything he had because he somehow deserved it and not just because of blind-ass luck. I think that’s a far more likely explanation.
You don’t go to Subway; you end up at Subway.
Fuck yes. In under a decade it went from a fun fan club to a group of self-important bros who try to dictate every aspect of being a “correct” fan. My bar was a sanctioned bar for a brief stretch and we went from a fun gathering place to d-bag central where you had to be a “real” fan to feel welcomed. Step 1: Don’t be…
“i was annoying and he got annoyed. what a nightmare!”
You’re right, coach. When I think “accountability,” I think Michigan State.
It’s a huge benefit to the company that Shaq isn’t afraid to seek second opinions and employ rigorous focus testing to perfect that one-of-a-kind Papa John’s ass taste.
“regardless of how toned or good looking the person is” should be added to every line of the Constitution.
The report somehow missed how he used district funds to purchase the “Taxation is Theft!” vinyl wrap for his pickup truck.
I stopped (attempting) to skate in 6th grade but I’ve still kept a deep fondness for skate videos and skate culture in general. Skating was the one thing that, as a young person, brought all types of people together. The group of skater kids would always include metalheads, stoners, dudes who only listen to Wu-Tang,…
I am going to start a movement of bringing Christianity back en vogue in the US called #Jeaster. It will be like Jesus coming back from the dead on Easter, but for Christians.
Let’s comment on this Ballabon person announcing this thing alongside Sebastian Fucking Gorka.
I would much prefer the parents of 3-13 year olds to march onto a plane wearing a sandwich board that reads “I’m aware of my responsibility to make sure my child does not kick your seat, throw food, or otherwise disturb you. Please let me know if I’m failing”
Billionaires - they’re JUST LIKE US!