peyote wildin


I live near Holy Redeemer. Those girls aren’t so tough

Didn’t you get a book deal nixed because you talked too much shit about someone or something? You need to divert these Wizards essays to a leather-bound collection, because I don’t feel like explaining to my sons why I stopped supporting this team.

This was a one-off tone shift to fuck with us because they can and it was hilarious. The dance scene, Frank being empathetic and appreciative of interpretive dance (along with all of the inmates) and Mack being a well-adjusted man out of nowhere are just as or more absurd as any other episode.

This is like when Gary Gergich used to talk about vacationing in Muncie

That’s how you know of Eric Andre?

This is the delicious and weird absurdity we were missing in 2018

Are you implying that this wouldn’t offend you???

Arsonal didn’t have a speaking role lol

American Exceptionalism is so flexible!

If anything, Lance made cycling much more exciting. At what cost is a different question and would reflect poorly on him, obviously.

hey wait how did the bad guys win in this one too

My rule for NFL and college games is always root for the away team

800,000 people from one of the poorest educated states in the country voted for him, and somehow he has tremendously more power than even some clown like Schumer, who probably got upwards of 5million votes in his race.

Let’s try to keep the innuendo limited to the hearings, ok?

You have to get the conservative viewpoint from somewhere...

Mexican and Jewish and a Trumpist. I wish her luck in running away from her own shadow, I guess

No, he just tells his city about fat brain-addled former interns smashing into each other every 4 minutes. In Indianapolis, those stories make a lot of sense.

If you educated everyone well, The Daily Caller wouldn’t have any more readers. It’s a very strategic point they’re taking.

Only two ring girls?