I wonder if they had this debate when the colonists were terraforming so they could build a beach on Mars
I wonder if they had this debate when the colonists were terraforming so they could build a beach on Mars
Very very very big chance he took a shit in a hut meant for some religious purposes
Alternatively, you’re rooting against a group comprised largely of first-generation young men of color that have scraped their way out of poverty and violence.
Your proposed “bink” is actually called a “flick-on”, which is a more British way of saying “bink”, so I think you may be more in your element than you thought.
Yeah, extremely low odds for a school that is the heart of the Washington elite class to eventually have its students become the elite class of Washington.
If we want competitive balance so bad why don’t we just, like, make more elite basketball players? Why is nobody talking about this?
Why hasn’t someone remixed this to fit the end of Infinity War yet?
Flying in China is always an adventure because of this, and it’s airline-sanctioned too.
^ the canadian inferiority complex is a complete myth
The whitest part of this story is the phrase “Hey, fam” being used without irony
are you sure you don’t want to abandon him before it’s too late?
He’s gonna blow your whole organization? Who says conservatives don’t like to give back?
It’s “We don’t believe you, you need more people”
Those are synonyms, yes.
Why are we criticizing this man for embodying the American dream and pulling himself up by his Gilstrap?
It does suck, because the game is pretty cool, but that image is often protected by those same rich white people. When these guys talk about growing their game, they mean maintaining a steady flow of upper class white kids to play, not to spread it to “others”.
If you hold up this sign in Brazil it can mean “asshole”.
Amy Randell is cute and sympathetic and justaguy100 is easily Googled
It’s crazy how Ancestry.com connects us so easily these days