Three-Fifths Compromise

Scary as well as disgusting and wrong. I so don’t want to say, ‘it’s the American way’ but I’m thinking it since once again, here we are. }-(

lil b from the pack doesn't know about poor people, apparently.

I don’t even have words at how disgusting it is that this entire family of downplaying what their brother did. It’s not just “a little too curious about girls”. What, is Josh the only boy in existence to hit puberty? Somehow, millions of other teenage boys avoid touching children, regardless of their reading hormones.

Just because you’re forgiven doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have done the appropriate punishment and that’s where the whole story about the Duggers gets me. He was NOT appropriately punished for this. Forgiveness is only one side of the coin here. How they state that ‘oh we cooperated with the police’ but in all honesty

Well better to perpetuate sympathy for “losers” than to be a sanctimonious, self-righteous, judgemental, ignorant, asshole like you.

Cute AND idiotic.

they CAN control their power with extreme precision. i wouldnt be surprised if they could manipulate their ki to block shockwaves from causing unwanted destruction

Feeding bears isn’t cute; it’s stupid and dangerous. When bears get complacent around humans, and/or come to view humans as a food source, humans (and bears) often end up dead. Plus, this bear is behind barbed wire, sitting up and performing for food. That’s incredibly sad, and doesn’t make me feel like squee’ing.

God, really? I was at an IMAX screening of Guardians of the Galaxy in 3D at something like 10pm, and a couple brought a screaming under 1 year old. It was misery. Of course, the poor child was upset by the enormous screen, the group of people in weird glasses, the frightening noises, etc. I don’t blame that baby. I

Someone brought their baby to the 11pm Mad Max showing i went to -_-

Husband and I have always shrugged off noisy kids on a plane or in a restaurant as, “Not ours? Not bugging us.”

Um, I got pissed at the people who took over the only jacuzzi at a (not cheap) hotel to use as their own personal kiddie pool for their baby, replete with so many floaty toys and kick boards that nobody else could use it — not that they could turn on the jets even if they were able to squeeze in, because BABY. They

Someone brought their baby to the avengers when I saw it a couple weeks ago and OF COURSE she was fussy and crying and pissed everyone off, and I felt so bad for that baby. Because talk about overstimulation.

I am constantly in movie theaters with loud children. You’re very lucky.

There are situations where you shouldn’t bring your kid. For example, the theater. If your child cannot sit still and not talk for two hours you shouldn’t be bringing them.

People, remember things like this when racists spout off about how “Blacks commit a lot of crime so....”

If they don’t like it they can just quit. Oh wait, it’s tough to find a job where you can beat people and abuse your power with no recourse on the part of the citizenry? Tough shit, shitbird.

Your single anecdote completely erases all the deeply entrenched white privilege in our culture. That's just science! Very convincing.

You're referring to discrimination, not racism. Anyone can be a victim of discrimination, including white people. On the contrary it is impossible for white people to be victims of racism because racism includes the element of a power structure that for a significant amount of time has been set up to favor them in

Ugh. Dictionary trolling is the worst.