Three-Fifths Compromise

Ha. I was naive for a second. Back on track now. Must be nice to be rich and white, eh?

And wait, why did you let him keep flirting with you? I would have told him day one to shut the fuck up, don't bother me, and stay working.

Thank you for the insight. I was unaware at first of the bastardization of her over-privileged community service. I 100% agree with you.

You've already been dismissed, but by all means, whine some more.

Yes, I have no idea what slavery is/was, whilst being a black person in America. And you do? Who the fuck are you to speak of me and my knowledge? Move along.

... You responded to me first, unsolicited. You are harassing me. It is you who had been flagged and dismissed. Go cry your white tears elsewhere.

I was just made aware of that by ‘JujyMonkey’. The things being rich, “famous” and white can buy you.

Learn to follow a whole thread and read before you post.

Go sit on a dildo, weak bitch.

There’s nothing to bite. I’m sure Lindsay’s community service was a bastardization of anything real, normal, non rich, non white people have to do. I explained to the OP just now.

Cool, thanks for your opinion. Again, that has nothing to do with my OP. The TC said that it was “harder” avoiding it, than doing it. Which was the point of my post (that it wasn’t).

You’re still projecting your views to my words. I don’t disagree that she should have done the hours. I do disagree that she has worked “harder” to avoid them, than actually do them.

Ok, that has nothing to do with what I wrote. I was responding to this part of your OP:

You obviously have no idea what court ordered community service entails.


Yippee! Another extremely white, Eurocentric, Super Hero show.

And bingo was his name-o!

She's so fantastic.