Three-Fifths Compromise

You’re joking right? The media may do a shotty job most of the time but they are technically on our side. How the fuck are they making things worse. You are so far off base on this one it hurts. I know it’s too much to ask, but if you gave two shits about your country or the idea of freedom you would do something

Please read the thread; I already said this. Also; that’s a correct usage were I come from, and the only one that makes the joke work, eh?

They claim that daredevil was one of the most popular Netflix shows of all time based on data that more people viewed a single episode of the series than any other Netflix series despite no evidence that those people continued to watch subsequent episodes and multiple public complaints that the show was produced in a

Nobody should watch the movie. They count the movie as watched regardless of how much of it you have viewed.

Apparently the Wii U version is an upscale port of the 3DS version, which was a port of the Wii version. That's how it ended up losing the motion controls. It's insanity.

Pretty much, it's a sick sad world (but mostly country)

You will find out that these trolls are actually fully uniformed policemen. I kid you not. The worst of our society hides behind a badge and a computer screen.

Well, aside from the awful police, there's the white people who like to think it's all made up and just a ploy for attention or to cry racism. I thank you for not being like that, but there are far too many like that. To answer your question, though: you develop strong coping mechanisms when you have no choice but to

Well, the folks in Baltimore snapped and it got them was name-calling. The fact is as a black person in America, the only thing you can do it take it.

I didn’t know this! I have a few racist comments to dismiss from yesterday now!!!

No worries! I try to ungrey when I can because it’s unlikely that any of the authors will.

There’s no way to DM on kinja, but just wanted to say thanks for that star in the other page’s thread. Funny how much you’re right about GM (or Gawker at the very least) not caring about commenters... I don’t expect to get any privileges back any time soon, writers over there have shown they can hold a pretty good

It's crazy I had someone with the name WhiteLivesMatter try to gaslight me, then immediately after someone commented about how "black dysfunction" was at the root of racial unrest in the country. People who behave like that must have such little joy in their lives to think that upsetting other people is a recreational

If they comment on the things you say you can dismiss the comments and make them disappear, but only if they've responded to something you've said. I made the mistake of commenting on a Gawker article the other day and I wish I never had. Jezebel seems to attract less of the troll-y types, but they are in full force

How can you be a black person in this country and remain sane? I hear stories like this (I’m white) and cry, shake with anger, and get nauseated with fury. How do you live like that? How you not snap? How do you not take it out on everyone in your life that doesn’t have to put up with shit like this?

The best thing to do is ignore them so that they stay in the grays.

No, because Gawker Media does not care about that (or their commenters.) Remember when Jez wrote that piece about having a rape gif problem? It’s because they were told that the trolls weren’t breaking any kinja violations and to deal with it.

I wonder the same thing. Some of them have new accounts with blatantly racist names you’d think would be enough to flag them as worthy of booting. No dice.

Is there a way to ban these morons? I mean, I know they’ll just create new burners and whatnot, but I see some trolls with somewhat substantial comment histories, consisting entirely of malicious racist shit and wonder how they are allowed to keep commenting.

FYI folks, this place is already filling up with racist trolls. Please flag them and don’t feed them.