
Songs! Pearl's issues! Great episode.

And what happened to all Marty's money if he has to promote Guacola?

Yes, we are all on the road crew. Our backs are killing us.

I'm so glad this show is back, and recaps are back, too! <3

I really enjoyed Garnet-Ruby's attempt to blend in with the other Rubies.

What is CN doing? I wonder if they will put season 1 in the intended order if/when they ever release it.

I hope so, because I love when they reveal more about the mythology. But I don't know if it'll happen.

When CN posted that "what an anarchist" clip a few months back, I thought it might be fake/altered because of the way Steven was talking. Turns out he was going to sleep.

And the scene where Noodles eats the pie.

They can change outfits, like in "Beach Party." Maybe Peridot/Homeworld gems never thought of doing that, though.

This was amazing!!!!! There were so many wonderful things about this episode, but I really liked Amethyst's parts.

I really wanted to see the other diamonds, and for the episode to keep going when it got to the end. I hate/love how they're making us wait for more

This was a cute episode. We're left with as many questions about Steven's aging process as we had before. But I guess he'll age according to how old he feels.

I think Hulu only has season 1. Thanks though :)

What is the best (legal) way to watch this show without a TV provider? Currently using SlingTV

Beautiful episode. I'm a sucker for a good bodyguard romance.

I'm really enjoying that we finally get a multi-episode arc that runs once a week. Especially since every other CN show seems to still be on "bomb" format.

Loved the facial expressions between Amethyst and Pearl while Peridot was first talking about building the machine.

Oh man Funko Pop! figurines. My wallet is not ready.