Daesai Sereiphiel

he was also riding towards the Bolton army to save his brother… That was getting shot at by arrows and died right in front of him. As I mentioned early, this article and video is an extremely desperate and pathetic attempt for a **minority** of WoW fans to get attention. I'm a WoW fan and even I stopped finding

It stopped being funny 5 years ago.

No. this is fucking retarded. it's beyond retarded. leeroy jenkins was a troll that charged into a room of elites…. Jon Snow was baited by Ramsey because Ramsey MURDERED HIS BROTHER RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Hugeeeee fucking difference. This is just a desperate attempt by idiot WoW fans to get attention. Btw most WoW

Or, just perhaps, you're an over-sensitive brat that demands everything be perfect on her birthday. Which apparently seems to be every day.


Sorry, pcloadletter, but all I can see in your comment is "wah, wah, wah, I didn't get my wah, WAH!"
Get the fuck over it, mate. If a story is good enough, spoilers won't matter because you'll watch/read it over and over and over again.