
Like the Ford Crown Victoria which was made in the American state of Ontario.

Electric vehicles are not the future, electricity is still not coming from clean sources and if you are familiar with European cities, where people park on the street and have no access to a garage or private driveway, you’d understand that “plugging your vehicle” is still a handicap. I know there are folks here that

Honda Accord. You can get it with 3-pedals and it is a damn enjoyable daily driver. You can have it as a hybrid or a powerful V6. It is comfy, affordable, reliable. You can fit real adults in the back seat and it also has a sizable trunk. It’s not a 3-series, but it’s also not a total bore to drive.

You know how you fix quality issues? Accelerate development and launch timelines! Surefire success.

I'm pretty sure they jumped the shark decades ago.

Surprise! Young man! Motor Trend has been”the” automotive crappy tabloid for over 50 years now.

I believe the correct answer is “yes.”

Why not both?

Sure, other cities, and even some entire states (I’m looking at you, RI!) are headed that way, but Detroit not only blazed the trail, they set the bar pretty freakin’ high.

Is that an actual picture of the taped-over light? Because it looks more like electrical tape than duct tape.

His car will explode into a million little bugs.

A dealer can charge whatever fee they want. But if its their fee, it’s part of the price of the car. Not something to be added to the bottom line after the price is negotiated. And if it’s hundreds of dollars it rapidly becomes worth driving to another dealer. Especially in Connecticut where you’re a trivial distance

If you think you got a great deal on the car, do yourself a favor—don’t nickel and dime the dealer over few hundred bucks because they are going through the proper channels to make sure your car is legal. Keep in mind the dealership pays people to deal process this paperwork; these are nice people with bills to pay

I’m gonna hate on it not because it’s a hybrid, but because it looks hideous now. I feel the need to scrub my eyeballs every time I catch a glimpse of one.

Helmet laws are stupid. They aren’t about saving lives; they are about penalizing motorcyclists. If they really wanted to save lives, they’d require all vehicle drivers to wear helmets.

In Michigan we repealed ours for some reason. I will never understand why one would not want to wear one. But i do respect their right to injure themselves.

The UAW only cares about their own middle class, not the rest of the middle class. They don’t want to create a stronger middle class in Arkansas. They want to maintain their middle class in Michigan.

Interesting tidbit:

The An-225 was designed to carry the Soviet shuttle (the Buran), but the Soviet shuttle was considerably lighter than the US shuttles were (as the Soviet shuttle didn’t have any main engines).

So despite carrying a heavier payload, the 747 the US used managed to be much smaller than the An-225...