Tesla REALLY needs to push the battery exchange model, or develop 5 minute charge capability
Tesla REALLY needs to push the battery exchange model, or develop 5 minute charge capability
I thought the tanks would use compressed gas, rather than liquid hydrogen. 5,000 and 10,000psi numbers kept floating around. Does anyone know how the energy density of 10kpsi hydrogen compares to batteries?
Looks like someone didn’t get the message : Thou shalt not like the new NSX, no matter how good it is.
“You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me, Loose Wheel”
I flash my brakes at them first 3 times, if they continue to tailgate I slow down until they go around. This is of course on 2 lane roads. On 4 lane roads I am in the right lane 99% of the time (unless passing). Looks like the guy got what was coming to him IMO.
#1 is just false. The car moves noticibly faster going downhill in neutral, the transmission drags if left in gear. If you go down the hill faster you will require less acceleration (gas) at the bottom which does save gas, assuming there isnt a stop sign there. Doesn’t mean you should do it, but the reasoning is just…
Better put the printer on the top, the sides could be damaged.
Roots-type supercharger: Accomplished
No its a Giant Schnauzer you want if you want a driving dog...
probably still lighter than an Electra Glide
Finally, we get to see Ken Block hoon his spectacularly reflective flame-spitting Ford Fiesta through Dubai.…
Curry shot a better percentage from 28 feet and beyond tonight than the rest of his team did on layups.
That was amazing. Curry bailed his teammates out big time. I counted four times in the 4th & OT when Curry made a perfect pass to a cutter, only for the cutter to blow the open layup.
Oh hell, I grew up on Super Street and Sport Compact Car, but it’s definitely time to unpimp the auto.
We skipped the big Namibian game park (Etosha - it was just too far north for our time frame), but spent a couple of nights on the NamibRand Nature Reserve, at the NamibRand Hideout campsites. It was out of this world - giraffes ate leaves out of the tree in our campsite in the middle of night.
I have a ‘14 (molten orange, sunroof) and agree about being able attain 26mpg when driving like an absolute maniac, I also agree that at 80mph 35mpg is optimistic at best, but here in Vermont we have lots of twisty two-lane highways where the flow of traffic is closer to 50mph, at that speed I have seen my FieSTa…
It amuses and intrigues me that, despite no change at all to the engine, curb weight, or anything else that would affect fuel consumption, the 2016 version is rated at 33 mpg highway instead of the 35 mpg of the ‘14s and ‘15s. As the owner of a ‘14, I understand why. Conditions have to be damned near perfect to get 35…