
+1 for good use of “craven lickspittle”.

Right. There is a lot that can be done to control variable or optional costs, but without income and with high FIXED costs.... People talk about working to put themselves through college, why can’t kids do that these days, not acknowledging that with the flat wages and huge cost increases what they could do in 6hrs a

This this this, 1000x this. Every reason he should be impeached from his current position. 

That, or high tech jobs at rates that undercut American workers on an HB1 which only benefits large corporations and artificially depresses wages... Jobs which the complainers would not qualify for or they would be doing them already. 

Him stroking out would be the bestest gif ever....

Right? Sucks, but at least it’s a step. Always remember your dollars are your most powerful votes. 

I ride, and my daughter is a year and a half. I carry SHIT TONS of insurance, and my wife stopped riding with me 2 years ago when we found out she was pregnant, and will not ride with me again until our daughter is much older. It also has affected how and when I ride. But keep in mind that driving is the most

Seriously not bad. I live in Jax, apparently no one thought to give the bars a heads up so they would have extra staff and security. Only six arrests is outstanding. We have a Brit on staff at my company who is ex Royal navy and had a chum on the boat, so he was there. Said overall it was quiet compared to what could

I live in Jacksonville, and always loved Army of Darkness. I was a little drunk when first watching Ash vs. Evil Dead, and just CRIED laughing when this segment came up.

Dude, B5 S4? my hero! I had a B5 A4 2.8 and a friend had nogaro blue S4 (stolen twice, second time used for illegal activities for a few days then burned to the ground). Such a nice car. Definitely in my dream garage.

My sis is an ER doc. It’s better for sure, but still not cool to have people that sleep deprived working this kind of job.

OMG, I swear I will take a week off of work just to party....

The fact that bad cops are protected, or allowed to exist in any fashion taints them all. Period. They MUST be held to the highest of standards to hold the public trust. 

How old is that asshole? I would like to know, but don’t want to google him...

I watch that movie once a year bear minimum. Such a classic, yet still so pertinent. 

Nice to read this. He certainly seemed to be saying all the right things, but I would love to hear more from those who actually know him. 

I expect him to be the next FLA governor.

I think you may be right about the “guns, god and country” crowd, but here is hoping. My wife already signed up to canvass for him and I voted for him yesterday. My hope is so much comes out about Trump that it depresses the GOP vote overall. 

Voldemort. Parasite of the worst possible kind. Stealing from the sick, the old, the helpless....