
I do the exact opposite, as I like to buy things when they are cheap....

Yup. Super cheap to shop this year, I picked up an AR-10 DMR, among others. And now I actually AM afraid for my rights....

And even if you KNOW a gun is unloaded, and have double checked that.... YOU NEVER POINT IT AT ANYONE YOU DON’T MEAN TO SHOOT. Let alone pull the trigger. The only time a barrel in a gun of mine is pointed at me or anyone else is when it is no longer attached to the rest of the gun for cleaning.

I have a Ruger LCP in 380. No loaded chamber indicator, though the LCP II may have one. Tiny tiny little pistol.

Important details to know...

2009 nissan versa new in 2010 off the back of the lot. 13k, nothing down. Over 200 but not a lot. still own that pos, 168k miles and it just wont die, and been free and clear for years. Never done any significant service, just oil brakes and tires, and one engine mount for $20. I will use it until it explodes, too

This^. Settlements for police misconduct MUST come from their retirement fund or the officers themselves. Otherwise why would they change their behavior?? Hit them hard in the wallet. Shit, just pull it right out of their budget, whatever it takes...

Yes to both for sure...

I work in public power. Coal is dead, and large scale generation is far far far more efficient than localized generation (like a normal ICE car motor).

My wife worked as a navigator a few years ago, helping people sign up (in FL). I cannot tell you how many stories she had of people ending the session with “Obamacare sucks, but this ACA is great!!!”.

I have had people back into me WHILE I WAS HONKING. Would not have helped.

This x100. My HS was 99% white. The 1% black got harassed by the town cops ALL THE EFFING TIME. Like, pulled over every week for DWB (Driving While Black if you cannot figure it out). If you cannot look at the facts and see the racism, then you are a part of the problem.

I am hoping for ass cancer, just because ass cancer...

The police association campaigned HARD against him. This will be interesting. Good for him, good for Philly!

I would be happy to just be able to split at stoplights.... Or at speeds under 25mph.

No shit, whatever happened to incremental improvement? Better than nothing?

Yah, ditto. I have not even tried to be “sneaky” but some times the good deals are totally off the books (still legal though).

It would take time, sure, but yes... And people will tote out the 3d printed or other type of home-made gun, but those take time and expertise and effort, that alone prevents most shootings (people are lazy).

What a great idea, I will be using that thankyouverymuch!

Right? I wish guns were regulated as well as heavy trucks... Licencing, testing, mandatory insurance, safety inspections...