
Unfortunately the facts of this case do have the ‘good Samaritan chasing away the bad guy’. It DOES happen, but as mentioned above this is FAR from the normal case, and here was too late to save 26? lives... However as you have seen the ‘Moron Lobby’ (molon labe, get it?? XD) will take this nugget and run with it.

If only.... With like 3 clicks required. But that kills the business model.

I think just observing the fact. The shooter was turned down for a TX gun license, I have not seen any legit reports on where he got the gun yet.

Am parent, can confirm. Kids kill brain cells...

Nope, you can get a DUI on a bicycle or skateboard in FL. I actually have seen multiple people in the same group get busted on bikes at the same time. Though you have to be EPICALLY FUCKING WASTED to get nailed on a bike, like ride into a cop car drunk.

Except President Camacho was way more badass... And the whole racism thing. But yes, pretty much :(

And losers, can’t forget that.

You sound like most every vet I know personally. Absolutely, the Saints got this one 100% right.

+1 to you for acknowledging your mistake. Hard thing to do sometimes.

+1 for the heart cockles

Amazingly, yes. They really did listen when everyone told them their pizza was shit. Still mass market, but by far the best of the breed.

Quoting Homer at me does not make you educated.

Because I have strong feelings about owning other people and being honest about history? You have admitted that there is evidence the pyramid workers were paid, what other “Google sourced” facts are you complaining about? The obvious fact that while slavery was indeed pervasive it was not universally accepted??

You think the slaves universally accepted and approved of their situation??

Not universally, but there is evidence to support it. Just like there is plenty of evidence you are a piece of shit.

Not slaves dumbshit, pyramids were built by paid workers.


Or boob jobs. All or nothing!!!

RATM still so relevant. FIGHT THE POWER!

You are doing good work, keep it up!!