It’s incredible. But totally worth it! Seeing a smile on that tiny face, everything else just falls away.
It’s incredible. But totally worth it! Seeing a smile on that tiny face, everything else just falls away.
+1 heavily armed liberal
I refuse to ever purchase a house where there is a HOA. Zoned ‘rural residential’ now, so if you complain about my lawn not being mowed I will just put a cow on it.
This. You want my car? My wallet? Sure, here you go... In doing so you risk the life of my child? I will shoot you in the face without any regrets. Physical things can be easily replaced, life is precious.
Right? I won’t just roll over, but I also won’t take stupid risks just to feel like a tough guy. Making a sound decision to not risk death is not just rolling over to be a victim.
LOL, “Trumpanzees”. I know we need to ‘elevate the conversation’ (whatever the fuck that means in practice) but I LOVE this, will steal, thanks!
Just to reiterate what has already been said, make sure you double check!!! They are sleazy and happy to keep as much of your money as they can. And keep checking, every time you send an extra payment.
No joke. My wife had a job for a bit as a navigator for the ACA (helping people sign up). She literally had people say after they were done “Wow, this ACA is great, to bad we will get stuck with Obamacare...”
Not a car. But when I was in the market for my Victory, the only vehicle I have ever bought for myself new, I had plenty of time on my hands. Spent months and months checking online and calling sales departments until I found a killer deal - Just over 20% off MSRP with a 5 year UNLIMITED MILEAGE full warranty... Plus…
It really is. Takes up a lot of time too. Self-reinforcing $h!t storm...
Correct. I bought a MA car while living in CT, then moved to MA within a year. Both states worked very hard to be sure I paid as much sales tax as possible...
Facts are facts, indeed. And I can understand your anger.
Don’t necessarily need the lawyer... But always be super polite and respectful to the judge.
Yup. Even if you do get a ticket the whole process is WAY less painful, and they are far more likely to cut you some slack.
Unless you are on a bike too ;)
Got pulled over on a motorcycle by a motorcycle cop... But by the time he pulled me I had not been speeding for a while, so I was a little confused. Apparently it took so long to get his Harley started that I was miles down the road by the time he caught up! We both had a good laugh, and he gave me a warning “so my…
Every HD rider I know told me to shop Victory... It worked.
I assume you still love it, given the way this reads... Please, dish on any of the bad details, as this will likely be my next scooter.
As did Victory for their cross bikes. Very rigid, but still quite heavy overall. So sad they are dead :(