This post pleases me. As a life long Habs and Raps fan I can say I’ve seen both my teams win a championship!
This post pleases me. As a life long Habs and Raps fan I can say I’ve seen both my teams win a championship!
You and I are the same age, I’ll tell you this mano a mano. Cargo shorts are the brown diesel manual wagon of bottom wear. Oh sure people love to poke fun at them but deep down they mock because they desire. My friend, these aren’t just shorts, they’re tactical half pants!
So my step father has always wanted a MB. He’s semi retired and wanted something nicer. I tried to get him to go with an E class at least but he thought it was too big. He ended up with a CPO CLA not the base engine but the one up with AWD. For a Benz, the quality is pretty terrible and the ride is harsh. I brought…
Please tell me you’re joking? That Dodge didn’t actually do this?
I know there’s a lot of hate for the new Supra, I’m happy that it exists and Toyota is putting it out there. I’m also a fan of that Castrol Supra, that thing won me a lot of races during the first 2 GT’s!
Thank goodness I’m not the only one! The lead image had me drooling. The front of this thing, had me drooling...from the lobotomy I need to forget that image.
I’m pretty sure this was in Manhattan which travelling at a high rate of speed would be 15mph under posted limits.
I bought my wife a Prada wallet and purse both were a good deal less than having to put up with uppity sales associates looking down on me while I shop in my fuzzy slippers and cargo shorts.
Well...I have my dinner tonight figured out!
If you make your own, you might be ok. I had a burger from MCD’s last week and I couldn’t finish it. I felt horrible and gross.
You joke but I actually believe his diet is keeping him alive. The amount of processed garbage this “human” consumes has mummified his insides to a point where they’re just barely functioning. If he were to consume any kind of natural fruit and/or vegetable matter it would open a hole in the wax layer and he’d just…
Ugh...I normally skip these posts but alright. The current president is a draft dodger. You can love your country and dislike its sitting president. If you’re going to say anything, Foxtrot isn’t anti military but anti-current president (I won’t say or type his name kinda like Voldemort) which they have every right to…
I was going to say invest in a high quality bus pass! But this works too!
That’s what I was thinking. He braked checked that asshat and sent him for a ride.
A part of me wished I was the one who thought of this idea. I’d take the money and use it to help those without clean water in Flint, because you know, they actually need help!
Great Odin’s Raven! I miss the CLK 55! What a looker!
How so? I have a couple of buddies with the EJ207 and no issues so far!
I love this! All of it! The want is so strong. The price and the lunacy are the only 3 factors stopping me ( and my wife).
Alfa’s keys to “success”: