Could it be due to the ATTESA? I would of figured 20-25% loss is normal but maybe the extra system is sapping some of it’s lovely ponies?
That’s because they’ve been copied and slapped onto every other car. I get what you’re saying but when it’s the original it’still good looking.
There was an 05 in my old condo’s parking garage, I use to just stand next to it and just admire how handsome they are. How has your servicing been?
The ES for me is a little meh... but the LS!!! The LS is my secret old man car that I just love to death.
The R33 is the red-headed step child of the GT-R brand. It may not be my fav but I wouldn’t turn it down. As much as people hate the R35 for all the reasons mentioned in the article, I can’t. I too simply adore them, yes it’s ugly and much like the Lady Gaga comparison, the R35 has “it”, I still giggle when I see one…
I didn’t...until now! Take your star!
The Camry as far as I know counts fleet sales in their data whereas Honda doesn’t. But yes the Camry has almost always outsold the Accord.
Damnit! It still looks great but the orange was...well orange!
I’m pretty sure that the combo of Ambien and Wifi has a negative effect on people where they tweet out racist rants.
All I can think about is after 3 years of ownership the amount of “broken wind” that would be trapped in those plush seats would be considered a nerve agent and have some various sort of special forces/HAZMAT unit responding every time you sit down.
I read that as Jabba’s petty garbage barge...I guess it works just the same.
This is awesome, I love the snowball effect of building cars. “I’ll do this on the cheap”, then *poof* full on race car!
Do you accept cheques? Or would you prefer bits of string? My cheques are made of rubber but I promise once the Nigerian Prince sends me the money I’ll get it to you ASAP
In the other G70 article from a month or so back, I said I would be looking into one. I did and at least for my needs (a usable backseat) it’s out. I put the seat back to where I would drive and it was millimeters away from the seat pan in the back. I dig the styling and the drive was nice enough but at least in the…
Again, confusion reigns supreme he actually plays for Angola.
I’m a huge Kimi fan, this is for me at least the correct take. I’m just happy he’s got a seat, F1 wouldn’t be as much fun without Kimi’s onboard radio and masterful interviews (ha!)
I know I’m in the gray’s but the world needs more Naomi Osaka’s! She’s got the talent for sure and she’s sincere which is a very rare combo, much like the GOAT herself! Serena will always be my fav but when she’s done with the tennis world Naomi’s got my views and admiration!
It was about the Vet and Ham meet up wasn’t it?! This is going to bug me until I get home!