
The want is soooo strong!! I’d love to have a GC8 and AE86 drifting around my desk...throw in the EG hatch with the gumtape and it would be perfect!

Ha! The only king of the dunes is the Land Cruiser

The Ferrari is the love letter for sure...this, this is the drunk text ode to the internal combustion engine.

Ha! Effervescent Shitstain is my fav colour!

WTF? When did Dodge make the Demon? I’ve never heard anything about this, why hasn’t someone or some media entity covered this ad nauseam?

Well it was going to be a Bombay weekend...now it’ll be a Hendricks weekend. Do you drink it neat? I feel if you can drink it without anything that’s the ultimate test of a good gin.

I’ve been told that I should give Hendricks a go. It’s hard for me to stray when Bombay has always been good to me.

Came to say that the lack of mention of the SH-AWD was a shame. People are going to hate on it no matter how well it looks/drives but the truth is this will sell...this will sell very well. In the end Honda/Acura and all manufacturers are about that money and the money is pointing at the CUV market.

Ha! Saw the comment and was going to say the same thing. I just got back from a vacation and bought 2 big ol bottles of Bombay Sapphire and East Sapphire.

Really the best part is the drinking at any time sure it’ll cost you a fuckton but it’s acceptable. Also drinking a bottle of champagne from France out of the bottle because you had to switch terminals at JFK and wouldn’t allow me to take the sealed bag from duty-free with me to my next flight is a bonus...

I was prepared for this to come out of Florida...but then saw that it no mag, also didn’t have a severed hand with an alligator tweaking on meth attached to it.

I’m with you on this! Normally I stay away from the 4 rings (of death) but if this was a TDi I’d be all over it like a flat brim bro on a stanced subie/GTi/86 etc...

The shop that builds these isn’t too far from where I use to work. Every so often I’d see one out and aboot! They look meaner in person then they do in the pics.

Got to be right?

Maybe not enough booze or coke...but certainly enough Meth, and it is EA which is top o’ the greed chain

I’m sure this will be on Netflix’s Fastest Car as a sleeper...seeing how they don’t understand what the term actually means...

It’s builds like this where I wish I was that talented where I could do all this stuff myself. I mean I get all giddy when I swap out a stock air box for a CAI or change my exhaust but this is just next level skill! Hats off to you sir and your fantastic Amazon!

I don’t need to be standing over a canyon on a plank to be bullied into making a porn scene or a full on movie. Just ask nicely and maybe add some quality craft services and I’m in.

Jay Kay already perfected travelling without moving!

This is what I see when I see that snorkel.