Not one that I told but one my dad told me.
I’ve worked many years at Honda, now I’m at Acura so not that different but nicer :)
My clean 2nd gen NSX didn’t make it? That thing is minty fresh with 17,000kms!
I try not to weigh in on the political stuff too often but this is just plain dumb...I see the pattern of people that 45 likes to use and in this situation as already stated Brown has a checkered past, Tyson, was convicted and served time for rape and Kanye who is either losing his shit or is really the worlds…
Actually, my clients’ best interests are my best interests. Which is why I get a load of referrals from my clients. And try to better myself? Do you know me? Do you know my education level or my income? I’m still here because I enjoy meeting people and talking cars. It seems you have a lot of hate for people in the…
I’m sad you feel that way. Having been in the industry for a decade now I try to help anyone and everyone even if it costs me a sale. The reason why I’m still here making money is because of integrity not only myself but who I choose to work for. Blanket statements calling people slime when I’m trying to feed 2 kids…
Batman is a jerk, he was just trolling Gordon even though the city is at stake he just has to be the one to get that little extra jab in there. F U Batman and your daddy issues! Your dad built an entire empire and you just piss it away in your lame ass costume and cod piece.
OMG!! I think this may be the solution to my CE-u58934589345 whatever number error that keeps popping up while playing COD/Fortnite and pretty much anything. I’m tired of my year and 3 month old PS4 going to bluescreen in the middle of me having a great game and costing me more than 1 victory royale!!!
I wonder how creative they’ll let me be when customizing mine? I’m thinking a large hood ornament of myself with my middle finger pointed to the sky. Along with that, I’d like the exhaust to spit out $20 dollar bills and lastly it must be painted using oil based paint sourced from narwhals!
Well now I know that this is a thing...time to find an old Vespa and start the mania!
For the record, whoever tailored that suit (probably did 45's too) is the real criminal.
This is the plane I grew up on (along with the F-14) I had models and pictures. The technology and engineering behind it fascinated me (still does). I don’t care how old it gets I will always oogle it and remember me as a kid in my bed pretending to be the pilot spying on the no goodnik Ruski’s!
The black and gold JPS livery is one of my fav’s!!!
This brings me back to an era when cigarette money made racing fun. I grew up in this time and as a kid I always thought to myself “Marlboro sponsors race cars, I should smoke Marlboro!”. When I went to the doctors he recommended Camel because of the smooth flavour and filter which was better for me.
If he did own 130k cars 2 would be “working” in any shape or form.
Stop! Rational and well put together comments don’t belong on the internet. Where is the libtard and/or snowflake reference? Please edit this to bring this intelligent comment down to the gutters of the internets!
No mention on if it comes equipped with a beard wax holder or 1930's type flash camera mount?