
While your are correct, there’s always a spot in every post for some duckbill love!

I see your F40 (which I love dearly) and counter with this:

This sounds like personal experience!

These are the literal size of the balls it takes to control that bike

No you won’t! You’ll go in depth about your car and after 45 mins of gushing you’ll either offer me the keys to take it for a spin or take me out in it yourself!

At idle how long until you get an erection?

I’d say it’s a toss up between Porsche enthusiasts and Ferrari owners. Having met a bunch from each group at different meets they struck me as snobby and elitist. While the complete opposite was true of the Mini guys/gals who would go over and above to show me every nook of their beloved cars.  

It’s one under a Highlander?

The new Optimus has a mechanical vagina mouth! Now try to un-see it!

If I had a zero f*cks amount of money to squander I don’t think I spend a single dollar on this! Why you ask? I’d be too busy buying submarines and military jets to carry me to places I want to go with FK by my side of course.

Dare I say, this is the start of a Bromance!

Bro, this is how you bro, bro! Doors, roof and windscreen off 100% broficient!

The real reason Singer is so good:

I was thinking more along these, I like the advanced safety features they include!

Will it baby? Does it have LATCH and room for the stroller?

This is the one true answer:

I’m glad I live north of the 401...honestly when I was in the core and had to commute out taking the 401 was the worst part of my day. Now all I have to deal with is cottage traffic from the same idiots who travel the 401 and decide to use the left lane as a sightseeing lane.

What is this? A motorcycle for ants?!

I have a ZX-6R that I will be rebuilding with those same colours!! Now to find the time to actually start!